"And what does that mean?"

"She threatened me. But I handled it." I squeeze her thigh to show my support. "I staged the overdose to look like she was alone for a night of fun that just went too far. Then I called the police anonymously." Well shit. "No one ever even questioned the scene or what happened."

"Lennox look at me." Her brown eyes find mine filled with more emotion than she's ever shown. "You will never, ever have to sacrifice again. You are with me now, we do this together."

"Are you sure you want to tie yourself to me?" More sure about that than anything else in the world.

Instead of answering her I pull her into my arms. Softly my lips caress her own in a state of all consuming passion. It starts off slow and sweet until she's leaning into me making the kiss rough while trying to fight for control.

"Being with you is the most sure thing of my life." I say the words with my lips only an inch from hers. There were other words on my tongue, ones that would scare her if said out loud but that didn't make them a lie. Fully I have fallen for Lennox Klein. "One last question."

"I think I know what it may be. What does all of that have to do with Rebecca Cheyney?" Always one step ahead in my thoughts. "That night she went there looking for Jackson Dane to confront him about her pregnancy." Lying bastard. No wonder Cameron defied that man at every turn possible. I don't say anything, instead letting Lennox continue. "I'm not sure how long their affair had been. When she first told him the interaction wasn't great but she still tried again at The Golden Maison. Instead she found Cameron Dane and me fleeing the scene. A few days ago, before the accident, she came to me to warn me to distance myself from the Dane's."

"She's after revenge then." What woman wouldn't be after what she's been through. "I'm assuming Jackson is the one behind the attack on her then?"

Lennox picks up her whiskey downing it in one gulp. "He'll be after me soon..."

"Over every single one of my men's dead bodies." I meant the threat in its entirety. If he so much as lays an eye on her again I would rip it out of its socket. This thing between the two of them will be dealt with as soon as possible. It's the only way for her to find peace, to find her freedom.

"He has to know I've helped her. He must know that I know." She needs to understand that it doesn't matter. There would be no place or time where he could hurt her after today. Before I let things go, bad actions went unpunished but not anymore. Not now that we've made it to this point.

"Listen, we'll figure something out. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you." I kiss her cheek before wrapping my arm around her.

"Who said I needed a knight in shining armor Mr.Bianchi?" I can hear the playful tone in her voice.

"You don't need one, but you do deserve one. Let me be that for you."

"Thank you. No one-" Her voice breaks. She doesn't need to say the things I already know. It's clear she's been on her own for some time now. At least I have my brothers to rely on but her and her brother don't have that same closeness as me and my siblings. Without them I'm not sure that I would have taken care of myself. When our mother died my survival solely came from protecting them, if I were alone I don't know what I would have done. Who I would have become.

"Never again." Never again will she be alone, will she be unprotected, or have to keep looking over her shoulder.

"What do we-" Banging on the library door interrupts whatever she is going to ask.

Impatiently I stand bristling even as I snatch the door open. Rico stands on the other side not at all fazed by my glare at him.

"Speak." Lennox tries peeking her head to see who is on the other side. I move around blocking her view of Rico.

Bianchi: Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now