"Jason!" she heard Piper yell above her. "We have to get Leo and Elle!"

Elle braced herself for their impact, but it never came. They shot past her, both reaching toward her and shouting in panic as they missed.

Maybe they'll at least save Leo.



Elle had been the one to collide into Leo. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms tight around his waist. He flailed beneath her.

"Leo, stop! Spread your arms and legs!"


There were collective groans of pain as the two pairs crashed together. The moment Elle and Leo connected with the two, their fall slowed considerably. Jason was controlling the winds, attempting to bring a stop to their spontaneous skydive. But it was clearly too much effort to hold up the four of them, because his body went limp and the group dropped like stones.

Elle could see a factory complex below, surrounded by snow-covered grass. No matter where they hit, they were still high enough that they could die on impact.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Elle felt the group crash through the roof of the warehouse. While spreading out her body may have slowed her fall, it was a good way to lose a limb. So she tucked herself into a tight ball, arms protectively hiding her head.

A scream of pain escaped her as she felt a cold, metal rail connect to her side. It must have been some sort of catwalk, because she toppled to the right and plummeted further. Finally, she hit flat ground.

Pain. It was all she felt and all she could think of. Pure, burning, unimaginable pain. Slowly, she uncoiled herself, groaning as every part of her screamed in protest. She wanted to lay there. Close her eyes and allow the pain to consume her. But she couldn't. She needed to make sure Jason, Leo, and Piper were okay.

Twenty feet away from her were Leo and Jason. Leo was flat on the ground like a pancake, his limbs still spread wide. Jason was sprawled on top of him, wincing as he stumbled to his feet.

"Jason!" Elle hobbled forward as fast as she could, ignoring the pain in her right side. She grasped his upper arm and helped him stand straight. "Are you okay?"

His face was contorted in pain, but he nodded. "Yeah." Then, he said, "I'm sorry."

Elle was on her knees, rolling Leo over and easing the boy up. He was blinking, eyes dazed and unfocused, his body in shock from the impact.

"You're sorry?" she repeated incredulously. "You saved our lives."

Jason kept his eyes glued to Leo, refusing to glance her way. "I should've stopped our fall. All I did was slow it down."

"Exactly. You slowed it down. If we had hit this building at the speed we were going we would all be dead. Speaking of which, go find Piper, make sure she's okay. We'll be right behind you."

Jason nodded, clearly glad to not continue the conversation.

"Piper!" he shouted. "Piper!"

"Here." Her voice came from above them in a quiet, pained whimper.

Elle met Jason's eyes in panic. Thrusting her backpack into his hands. "She's on the catwalk. There's nectar and ambrosia in my bag."

He took off in a sprint as Elle returned her attention to Leo.

He was fully conscious now, rubbing and stretching his muscles as he released a hiss of pain.

"That was not on my twenty-twenty-two bingo card."

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