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I hear blue running back. I decide to stand up,because it's getting uncomfortable sitting down for so long.
Dream:I'm glad blue found you
Ink:yeah,anyways let's go back to the castle
Killer/me:oh ok,but what part of the castle would I stay in.
Blue:you could stay in the middle,since the bedrooms are in the middle,and the kitchen and living are not that far from them.

I see error make a portal and see ink make a portal.the stars go into inks portal and nightmares gang goes into errors portal.i decided to go into errors portal and appear in a living room.i see blue sitting beside horror on the floor and dream on nightmare on different sides of the room.errors hanging from the ceiling from his strings,dust is sitting on the ground and ink is sitting beside dream drawing.i also then realize cross is not in the living room.
Dust:the other one of us that is missing is in the training room.he isn't really the type to relax and sit down.he's more of a get up and go guy.

Oh,well I would imagine cross wouldn't be related easy with someone new in the castle and he knows nothing about me so,that's reasonable.i see dream walk over to me.

Dream:I can show you around if you want.
Killer/me: yeah,sure
Dream:ok come on,I can show you where everything is.

I follow dream.and he leads me to multiple places in the castle.i make a mental map of it and start to wonder around and get to the library.i see books in shelf's that go almost to the ceiling.i also see there's some furniture and a fire place.i decide to read a book.i go over to the shelf's and look at all the books.one catches my eye,the name is five survive.
I decide to read it.after a bit I get bored and put the book back and decide to see what the others are doing.i see horror and blue cooking and ink is still drawing.error is making a puppet,dream is sitting by ink.dust is sitting on the couch half asleep,cross is also sitting on the couch and nightmare is in his throne room doing something.i decide the ones that would talk to me is blue and horror, also I'm starting to get nausea so maybe food can help.i go over to blue and horror,blue sees me walking over.

Blue:hey killer,how are you doing with the whole coming here and getting out of your au.
Killer/me:it's ok but I'm a little on edge.
Horror:that's reasonable,you don't know us and we don't know you.
Blue:yeah,it's fine to feel that way and if you need any help you can ask me.
Killer/me:what are you guys cooking?
Blue:enchilada casserole
Killer/me:oh what's that
Blue:ok so it basically have a taco shell on the bottom and then you put meat and put cheese over it and cook it and the cheese melts so it stays together and that's basically what it's is.
Killer/me:I have a question
Killer/me:do you guys have any crackers or anything to snack on,I'm a little hungry.
Blue:of course

Blue hands me crackers and they look safe enough,so I take them and leave the kitchen.i start to eat the crackers.i see dream walking down the hall and go up to him.i see that he is looking worried.

Killer/me:you okay?
Dream:yeah,it's just that I feel like there's another person here and they have a positive and negative aura.
Killer/me: oh,dream can you try and sense where the person is.

Dream closes his eyes and then looks at me.confused and worried.i sigh

Killer/me:yes and don't ask who the other parent is,I don't know and I'm not that far along I think.
Dream:are you going to tell the others?
Killer/me: not right now,maybe later,I don't know but I'm not ready to tell anyone.
Dream:I respect your answer and I won't tell anyone but I will be worried and if you need anything then you can ask me and I will try to help all I can.
Killer/me:thank you dream
Dream:no problem,but the others will get suspicious later on possibly
Killer/me:I will deal with that when the time comes but do you know anything about skeleton pregnancy?
Dream:not really but I know that you're going to be more tired easily and have to eat more as you get farther into your pregnancy.
Killer/me: well at least it's something about the pregnancy.

O then bid dream goodbye and head to the living room.I decide to sit down near dust but not in arms reach.i don't know when but I had dozed off for a little while.

This is the end of the chapter and hope you enjoy,it's gonna be a while before I publish the next chapter because it's close to Christmas and everything but I will try to get a chapter out before Christmas if I can but I can't make promises and hope you have enjoyed this book.anyway hope you have a amazing day or night.

Reborn as killer sans but I'm pregnant Where stories live. Discover now