Dec. 21 - Exchange

Start from the beginning

"W-what? Is this-wh-for– is t-t-this for– me?" TSC's befuddled face was pure shock as he unwrapped the gift and looked at the contents inside of it.

Lo and behold, Poscas.

"Purple, did you secretly look at my wish list or something?" TSC glared teasingly at him.

Purple put his hands up.

"I guess I'm just a really good guesser," he replied, smiling.

"Do you like them?" Purple asked some-what carefully.

TSC stared at him.

"Like them? I love them! Thanks so much!!" TSC beamed as Midnight leaped onto his lap. He chuckled, "Awww, I think Midnight likes me."

Midnight purred as started TSC stroking him. TSC looked up.

"Okay, who wants to share next?"

Blue stood up from the couch and walked over to Green, handing him a small box.

"Woah this is a really small box," Green commented as he started tearing off the gold wrapping paper.

He slowly slipped the top off and took a look at the inside.

"How did you find such a small kalimba?? I didn't even know these existed!"

Blue laughed as Green's reaction, but Green was all shocked happiness.

"I knew you would know what a kalimba is! I found it in that music store in the mall," Blue said as Green took the mini kalimba out of the stuffing.

"Uhh, would anyone care to explain what a kalimba is?" Yellow asked, looking curiously at Green. He lifted the kalimba above his head, everyone crowding around him.

"Woah, I can see all those cute little metal keys!" Red cried, pointing at them.

Green let everyone get a good look at the mini kalimba before starting to explain what it was.

"So it's basically an instrument where you pluck the keys while the sound comes out of the sound hole." He pointed to the hole in the middle, and gesturing towards the keys.

Yellow nodded approvingly, then turned to Blue as Green put the kalimba back in its box.

"Here you go!!" Blue took the present from Yellow and almost dropped it.

"Yellow, this is so heavy! What's in here?" Blue exclaimed, dragging it up onto the couch. He teared the wrapping paper off as Yellow watched.

Blue's eyes brightened as he realized what it was.

"A cookbook?" Blue looked at the title more closely. "Knife Drop?? Foreword by Gordon Ramsey???" Blue looked up and stared at Yellow.

"How did you afford this?! It must've been so expensive!"

Yellow chuckled. "It actually wasn't that expensive. Only $20!"

Blue started flipping through the pages. "You trying to look for something?" Red asked curiously.

"Mmmm, that's interesting," Blue murmured. As he got to the end of the book, he cried, "What?! That's all? There's no recipes with nether wart in here!"

Green face palmed.

"That's what you were looking for?" he said incredulously.

"Of course! What else?"

Green sighed, then went on, "Okay guys, let's just ignore that and get onto my gift. Which is perfect, by the way."

Blue started going through the cookbook again and sighed.

"I guess there really aren't any recipes with nether wart in here."

Green handed a gift to Yellow and sat back down again.

Yellow inspected the box and started to carefully unwrap it, slowly taking off the tape that was holding it together.

His eyes widened as he saw the picture that was on the front of the box.

"A drone?! What?? Okay, am I dreaming? Blue, pinch me," Yellow said as Blue went over and slapped him.

"Alright, not that hard," Yellow laughed.

Smiling eagerly, he opened up the box and slid the drone out from the inside.

Everybody crowded around him as he pulled out the controller. "Woah, that looks so cool! Could I have a try?" Red peered at the drone.

"Of course! I just have to put in the batteries first," Yellow replied, going over to the cabinets and pulling out a few batteries.

He inserted them in and started trying to fly the drone.

After a few minutes of fidgeting, he finally got it to fly up to the ceiling!!

Except that it crashed into the wall right afterwards.

"Uhh, why don't we head outside to test it out? I don't think Mango would like dents in his walls." Purple gestured over to the door and everybody headed outside.

Yellow played around with the controls, practicing how to use it. When he'd finally gotten the hang of it, he looked around.

"Who said they wanted to try it out next?"

"Me! Me!"

    ° ° °

1207 words <33

(started Tuesday dec. 19 || finished Thursday dec. 21)

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