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When Bloom woke up, he looked into Divided's eyes, blushing from how close they were, and just hugged him. "you can put me down now" Bloom said so that he didn't have to carry him the whole way.

"Oh sorry no problem" Divided said in a hurry and put him down, making sure he didn't fall. "ok thanks divided" Bloom said, holding on to him still.

"Lovebirds" Dyso said in a low tone, but they could still hear him. "Who" Bloom said, looking around "uh I don't know what you mean" Dyso said, laughing "cmon man" Bloom said, punching him in the arm "OW you" Dyso said, but got cut off by Divided.

"We are here" Divided said, grabbing Dyso by them arm and walking him inside Bloom's house after Bloom unlocked it, "Alright now stop arguing like two year olds" Divided said, looking at the two.

A/n - I'm sorry I didn't post i forgot for a while but I'm posting again!

Bloom x dividedWhere stories live. Discover now