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3rd person pov:

Bloom woke up to his alarm, "ugh" he said, shutting his alarm clock and grabbing his phone and unlocking it with his passcode. Dang he thought, "I don't know why not one of them answered" he said out loud since he lived alone and nobody would hear.

He soon got up and decided to play some games before he had to record and meet with dyso and divided to talk about how we need to win this stupid tournament or whatever they entered a week ago, he got up and went to his gaming chair.

He saw a couple of messages in the discord he joined a while back too, and he clicked on it, it was just a bunch of messages like "hey you guys" and nobody would respond because they never talk, but anyway, he snaps out of his thoughts and gets back to reading the messages but just closes it out since he was bored of reading them

After he played some games and decided to take a quick nap before leaving to meet divided and dyso
He turned off his pc and took off his headphones and got off his gaming chair and laid on his bed and went to sleep.

A/N: Hii this was a little more then what Wrote last time!!

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