Questioning the Reality Outside of My Bubble

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Darius feared that Hunter would request to go back to the Boiling Isles, but he initially couldn't really explain why. Now, he knew that it was because he wasn't sure how to honor the request. Of course, he wanted Hunter home, and back at school with his friends. But Darius also feared that Hunter would slip back into the same cycle: unmedicated, scared, depressed, and constantly flinching at every touch or heavy footstep. A little voice in Darius's head countered, pointing out that this time would be different. Now that Hunter had a therapist that he was beginning to trust, maybe things would go better this time.

Better yet, Darius had identified that he too needed therapy. Maybe they could improve their lives together, as a team. Darius smirked at himself. What a corny thought. Hunter was making him soft, not that he minded it. The adult had always been used to working alone in the Emperor's Coven, only choosing to work together with others when it was for the greater benefit of everyone during the Day of Unity.

He supposed that Hunter's case was for the benefit of more than just the boy. But also... He really just wanted to see Hunter happy. Darius knew that the kid could do great things if he could just get out of his head.

...And wasn't that just the biggest challenge of them all?

The hospital was thrilled to announce that Hunter would be discharged in the morning, and Hunter was ecstatic. Finally, he was going home to the Demon Realm, back to his friends, and back to school. It made Hunter a little nervous, but now that he was being weaned off the Sertraline, he was sure that things would be better.

Darius and Camila arrived the next day to pick him up, and promptly rained on his parade.

"Hunter, baby, we know that you're excited to go home, but there are a couple things that we need to figure out before you head back through the portal." Camila started, tone cautious. They had just parked back at her house.

Fuck . Hunter froze from unclipping his seatbelt. He had just spent the last several weeks talking to therapists and doctors and so many other humans. Frankly, the teenager was done with chatter, and was just ready to see his room at Darius's again. Begrudgingly, he marched inside, abandoning his stuff in the car.

Once through the door, he was greeted by Luz and Vee, who both cheered when they saw him, rushing forward for a group hug. The warmth of their embrace briefly shocked him back into the present. After being hospitalized for so many weeks, and after being so gravely ill for half of that time, he'd... forgotten the soft love and warmth of a tight hug. This thought sent a pang of sadness through his chest. He hugged them back, just as tight.

After a few long heartbeats, they released each other. Luz announced that she'd made her mom buy a new kind of soda she wanted Hunter to try, and he graciously accepted it when she pulled a can from the fridge.

Eventually, Camila dismissed Luz and Vee upstairs, hoping to give Hunter a little privacy for the conversation she wanted to have. If Hunter wanted to inform Luz and Vee of the personal on-goings of his life, she wanted to ensure that it was his choice.

After they were gone, she began her pre-prepared spiel.

"Hunter, mijo, I'm really excited that you're going home to the Demon Realm soon. Darius and I want to make sure that we both give you the best opportunity to be happy and successful in school and in life, so we've come up with a few ways to help you out."

"Such as?" Hunter asked, knowing that she was already going to answer.

Surprisingly, Darius chipped in. It seemed like they'd rehearsed this speech. It was rolling out more like a play instead of an actual genuine conversation. Weird. "We'd like you to keep visiting Mrs. Rose every weekend. Also... Me, Camila, and your therapist think it would be good if you also visited every week on Wednesdays, as well as your usual Saturdays."

Reprogrammed (Hunter Angst)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon