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The diner, as it always was, is warm and smells of the cinnamon rolls Alina makes and the bacon they fry up on the massive griddles in the kitchen.

Their usual booth, the one in the corner in the back with the graffitied table and cracked pink leather seats, is open as normal. They head back, both with their hands stuffed in their pockets and smiles on their faces.

Within two minutes of them siting down, Lulu herself is standing in front of them. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. You boys haven't come to visit me in ages," the older woman says, smiling fondly at them, arms crossed over her soft pink apron.

"Sorry, Alina," Zayn says, cracking a wide smile. They've been coming here since they were little, and they've always been Alina's favourites.

Alina is a kind faced older woman with a sweet Indian accent, and she's the grandmum Louis always wished he had but never really did. He doesn't speak to his father or his family, and his nan passed away when he was little. He misses having someone to dote on him all the time.

"You'd better be," she says, but she's grinning, "I was worried you'd grown tired of me."

Louis looks scandalised. "Never! So, how come it's so packed? There's about a billion people here," he asks, and stretches a bit.

"No idea. Some bloke came in and a bunch of girls followed," she said, shrugging. "Think it might be some singer. He's hiding out in the corner." She said, and Louis and Zayn followed her eyes to a figure hunched over in the corner.

The man was wearing a big jacket and sunglasses, a beanie covering his hair. He definitely looked like he didn't want to be bothered, and nothing about him struck familiar with Louis.

"So," Alina says, knocking Louis out of his thoughts. "I suppose you boys want something to eat? Or are you just gonna sit here all day because if you are, I'll put you to work waiting tables."

Louis laughed softly and Zayn smiled. They both knew that she wasn't kidding. "We just came by for the usual. Milkshakes, chips, and one of your cinnamon rolls." Zayn said, smiling up at her.

Alina nodded fondly. "Of course, boys. You look like you could use them. Getting too skinny." She says, and ruffles Louis' hair. "I'll have Stacy bring them out to you. I meant what I said, too. It's been too long since I've seen you."

Louis smiles as she walks off. "Remember the first time we came here? We were terrified of her." He says, and Zayn nods.

"Well, to be fair, Alina is a fearsome woman." Louis nods, unable to disagree with that one.

As they wait for their food they make idle conversation about friends and family and romantic escapades.

"So, you found yourself a boy yet, Lou?" Zayn asks with a smirk, leaning back against his side of the booth. He smells like home, too. His own spicy scent and the cologne that Perrie likes when he wears. Louis' half tempted to go over and sit next to him and bury himself in Zayn's side like he usually does when he's cold or needs a cuddle.

"Why do I need a boy when I've got you and Marshmallow?" He teases, and then shakes his head. "Boys don't like me, Zayn. We've been over this. Either they think I'm a freak or just want to get into my pants. Sometimes both." He sighs, and rest his head in his hands.

As proud as he is to be genderfluid, it's hard sometimes because once someone finds out you're different, they attack you for it. That happens to Louis a lot.

"I'm sure someone has a crush on you, babe. You're amazing. Don't doubt that about yourself," Zayn says firmly, and gives Louis no room to refuse.

"Dunno what I'd do without you, Zee." He says, blushing lightly. That's the truth. Zayn is his favourite person ever, One Direction included.

Their food comes five minutes later, and they eat in relative quiet until Louis puts down his milkshake and squeaks loudly. "Oh my god," he whispers. "Oh my god."

Zayn looks confused. "What, Lou?" Louis had pulled out his phone to check Twitter a minute ago, and what he'd seen.. Oh god.

@rainyhairystyles: Harry's in donny!!!!! He's in some little diner and I saw him!!!!!!
@niallisba3: omg I live there! I thought he was on tour though???????
@fightme1d wtf is he doing there??

He turns around maybe faster than he should, just in time to catch the man pulling off his sunglasses to rub his tired eyes. There's no doubt about it that it's Harry.

He turns back to Zayn and claps a hand over his mouth. "Oh my god. Zayn," he breathes airily, "Harry Styles is sitting so close to us. Harry Styles is literally right over there."

He's pretty sure this is going to be what kills him. Death by Harry doesn't sound so bad, definitely. In fact, death by Harry sounds like a good way to go. The best way to go, maybe.

Zayn raises his eyebrows, clearly recognising him. "This is like, your moment, Lou. You love this man. You want to spend the rest of your life with him. Go say hi!" He urges, and Louis shakes his head. "No! I can't do that! I'm too awkward to do that!"

Zayn shrugged, and began to stand. "Then I'll do it. What's the big deal?" Louis looked offended. "What the big deal? It's Harry Styles, Zayn. It's Harry."

Regardless,  Zayn gets up anyway, and Louis is pretty sure he has a heart attack when Zayn starts talking to Harry fucking Styles. He's pretty sure he actually dies when Harry stands up and fucking follows Zayn back to the table.

Louis literally cannot breathe because within seconds, which feel like days, Harry Styles slides into the booth across from him.

"Hey, how are you?" Harry drawls, his voice soft and slow like honey, and that's it. Louis is gonna die, right here in Alina's American Diner.

"H-Hey. I'm fine," he manages to squeak. "so fine. The best, actually."

Harry smiles, slow and easy, and neither of them really notice as Zayn gets up, giving the two a moment to themselves. "Your mate told me you're a fan? That's nice, always love meeting people who support us. What's your name, love?"

Louis has to think, properly think for a moment, before he shakes himself out of the way he was obviously staring. "Louis. I'm Louis, and you're Harry, and this is. Embarrassing. But also probably the best few minutes of my life?"

His face is red now, Louis can tell,  and oh god, he feels so stupid, and so embarrassed, but he can't stop smiling. Harry doesn't seem phased by it. He's probably used to meeting insane fans. "Well, Louis. It's really lovely meeting you, darling. Would you like to take a photo?" 

Just like that, he's standing so close to Harry Styles, Harry's arm is around his waist, leaning in close as Zayn takes their picture, and oh god, just when he thinks they're done, Harry fucking Styles is kissing his cheek.

The taller man glances out the window, and explains that his car had arrived, and their goodbyes are quick, and Louis is actually, physically shaking. He hasn't stopped, even as their food is brought over. He can't stop scrolling though their pictures, can't stop staring, because it's just. It's so much. It's so amazing. Louis Tomlinson has just met the bloody love of his life.

And just minutes later, he hears a Twitter notification, and his heart practically stops beating.

@Harry_Styles has started following you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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