First Day

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He was the first to wake up, his teammates sleeping peacefully next to him. Raven slept closest to him, then Qrow, and on the far side was Tai. 'Girls on one side, boys on the other, not bad.' The farther he was away from Tai, the better.

Church grabbed a set of his signature outfit and headed into the bathroom to change and shower. He wanted to put off wearing his uniform for as long as possible. After an amazingly fast shower, he walked back out with his sleepwear slung over his shoulder as he pulled his hair into its high ponytail.

Raven was up, leaning against the back of her bed as she read something on her scroll. She gave him a glance, then turned back towards her scroll. Church shook his head. Raven was an odd person, but that was probably why Church got along with her so well. They didn't need to try and understand each other, they just knew.

Alpha went to his side of the room, dumping his night clothes and grabbing his own scroll. He sat down on his bed, his back against the headboard, his right leg tucked up against him, with his left leg hanging off.

He opened his scroll, checking his recent notifications. He had one from a newspaper he was subscribed to: they wrote about a spree of mysterious murders. Ruka had also sent him a text. Church skimmed through the article, making sure it wasn't something from his old world. After all, he had managed to get there, someone else might have as well. After making sure, he switched over to read Ruka's text. He opened it and saw. 'Hey Sum, just wondering how your initiation went?'

'Initiation went fine. Got to kill a Deathstalker and a couple Beowolves, which covered me head to toe in the fucking black sludge! The lack of Grimm was fucking disappointing though. I was hoping for like a hoard or something, not the shit I got.'

He had to wait only a second for a response. Ruka always had his scroll on hand. 'You killed a Deathstalker? Awesome! You aren't hurt are you? Also, don't be mad about not getting to kill a bunch of Grimm. They probably cleared the forest so they wouldn't have to worry about you guys dying. As for you getting covered in the Grimm goo... I find that hilarious.'

'No, I'm not hurt. Yeah, I guess that makes sense, having your students die the first day would be bad. Asshole, what if I mutate into a fucking Grimm? Wouldn't be so hilarious then, now would it?' Church glared at the screen, hoping that somehow it would convey his facial expression.

'If you mutated into a Grimm? Well, I certainly would have a story for everyone in the village. I would also certainly win the award for weirdest daughter.'

'Haha, real funny. Seriously so fucking funny. ...Did you ever tell headmaster Ozpin my first name?' He might as well get a direct answer.

'No... Why? Did he say it?' Church bit his lip slightly. Ozpin did announce to the whole school what his name was and Ruka didn't tell him. How did Ozpin know?

'No, just wondering. Anyway, how's it back home? Lonely? Do you miss my awesomeness already?'

Church felt eyes on him, leading him to look up and see Raven staring at him. "What?" Raven shook her head then went back to looking at her scroll. Church stared at her for a moment longer, before he went back to his own scroll. She was definitely an odd person.

'Ash and Jasmine have been coming over, so I hardly think about you at all.' Ash and Jasmine were Church and Ruka's neighbors; the three had gone to Shade academy together along with Ruka's late wife Iris.

'Yeah, yeah, love you too buddy.'

Church didn't expect a response from Ruka as that seemed like the end of the conversation, Ruka however, surprised him by replying. 'How are your teammates? Don't think I didn't notice how you didn't bring them up.'

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