You headed for the tall tower. When you arrived you were greeted with a long line outside. You swiftly moved passed it unnoticed until you stopped at the reception desk. The people in line were confused of your presence.

You opened your wallet and revealed to the receptionist a card and an ID you have. The woman's eyes widens as she gives you a pass to go inside,

"Hey! We're all waiting in line and you're just gonna—" The man stopped yelling as his ribs made contact with a woman's elbow. "Shut it. People with that pass are the ones who finished the entire floor!" The woman announced.

When you realized they were talking about you, you turned around raising your eyebrows from curiosity. The man then looked at you frightened. You just looked at him with an unbothered expression like nothing had happen and he was already shaking with that. Despite your plain expression, you emitted a strong sinister aura, just by standing still.

You entered the inner part of the building. Nothing has changed since then, it's been years since you went here. The elevators were still empty as there were on going battles in the first floor and no one has ascended yet. You weren't interested in the lower floor's battle. You wanted to watch the battle in the 200th floor.

You stepped into the elevator, your unbothered and bored demeanor intact. The button for the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena was pressed, and the doors began to close— Just as the elevator was about to ascend, a figure slipped inside, causing you to raise an eyebrow. It was a tall man

You can see that he has an interesting fashion style. He wore a black crop top and something red underneath, he also wore a white baggy pants with knee pads and bandages with black heels. His make up was that of a clown but it didn't cover his handsomeness and it didn't look awful. He seemed more like a magician. It was only a tear drop and a star on both of his cheeks. His hair was styled up and it was the color of red.

A tense silence settled in the elevator as the doors sealed shut. Your eyes narrowed, analyzing the situation. You thought about how this stranger swiftly got in the elevator while it was about to close, but you remained unfazed.

The man's gaze locked onto you, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "A new face? You're not like the usual crowd here." he mused, his voice dripping with intrigue. He looked at you deeply, his eyes scanning you. "An assassin, I presume?"

You remained silent, refusing to give away any information. You studied the man in your mind, trying to assess his intentions.

The man chuckled, seemingly amused by your stoicism. "You're quite the mystery, aren't you?" he remarked, eyes still glued on you with a playful smirk. "I wonder, what secrets lie beneath that cold exterior of yours~"

Your guard was up, ready for any sudden moves. "I have no interest in revealing my secrets to the likes of you." you replied, your voice laced with nothing, you replied rather plainly. He smiled as he hears your voice.

The man's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, but I do love a challenge," he purred. "How about a little game? Show me what you're capable of."

You were aware how powerful and deadly the man you're with in the small confined space of the elevator, but you were also aware of what you're capable of. With the clown's aura, you sensed that he wasn't only skilled in combat, he was also a powerful nen user.

Your stoic expression faltered for a moment, your curiosity piqued. You knew engaging with this man was risky, but the opportunity to test your skills against such a potentially worthy opponent was hard to resist.

In the end, you nodded, accepting the challenge earning a smirk and a chuckle from the man.

The elevator ascended, the tension between you and the stranger palpable. Both of you positioned yourselves at a safe distance, ready to engage in this unexpected encounter.

Without warning, the man launched an attack smiling to himself, his movements swift and fluid like a dancer. Your reflexes kicked in, your body moving with lethal precision. The confined space of the elevator became a battleground, each strike and parry a testament to your skill.

The clash between the assassin and the magician was intense and relentless. Your movements synchronized, a deadly dance of combat. As the elevator neared the 200th floor, the tension reached its peak.

But before the first blow could be struck, the elevator jerked to a stop, its doors sliding open to reveal the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena.

You and the magician froze. You didn't had the chance to enjoy it for a bit longer. A momentary pause passed between you two, and then you both relaxed, lowering your guards.

The clown's eyes sparkled with excitement as he grinned at you. "Impressive," he admitted, a hint of genuine admiration in his voice. "You've earned my respect."

You only closed your eyes and scoffed with the compliment,

As you both stepped out of the elevator, The man gave you one last glance. Your paths had crossed. You weren't curious of who that man was, but you admit to yourself, he was also impressive.

Is this what they call a quickie? in an elevator?

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