14.0 ||Season-one-finale||

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     The bullet hits my thigh, and i fall to the floor, bleeding out. "FUCK! WIFE GET UP NOW." i hear chishiya say to me. "shit my thigh...ouch. even after i spared him, she s-shoots me." i say biting my lip in pain. aguni gets shot multiple times, and still manages to save us all, pushing niragi into the fire. chishiya takes his jacket off, and wraps it around my thigh. "i'll remove the bullet later, lets get out, darling." he picks me up, and brings me outside, near the fire pit thing.   "GAME CLEARED."  

   We're walking for awhile. He sits me down near a few abandoned cars. He puts me behind a Lexus to shield me. "it hurts a little." i mumble. "no really? i never would have guessed the bullet in your thigh hurts." he says back sarcastically. "kill yourself." i say jokingly. he uses tweezers he found in a convinience store to try and remove the bullet. hes basically prying my flesh open with a small metal stick and ripping a bullet out. i know not to move but this is honestly unbearable. i silently cry and try my best not to move. "okay done." he says softly. "okay good." i say in the same tone, almost mocking him.

    "oh im done taking the bullet out, i have to stitch it now." he says smiling sinfully. "i hate you if you do this" i say groaning. "dont worry it wont take long." he mutters back. He starts stitching up my wound with supplies. he finishes up and puts bandages on it. "okay, fully finished now. can you stand?" he asks me. "you tell me doc. can i stand?" i ask back. "well...you should be able to. you just need to walk lightly and dont run...there will be a limp but you'll live. we need to walk to the station anyways." he says to me.

   we walk to the station to find arisu, usagi, and kuina together. they make their small talk about a map or something...but im paying attention to something else. there a wires in the room, yes, but theyre wired to show something on the screen like...like a live video...they're for putting things on air...suddenly, the screens all turn on to show Mira.

   Mira started yapping about how we won and shit like that...i just wanted to leave. felt dizzy, maybe it was how bright it was. but one thing captured my ears and my eyes...she talked about people losing eachother n shit...and i saw...i saw arisu and his friends on the screen...they blew up. then...then she said some annoying shit. "Let's play more games!" i punched the screen wth her face on it...my knuckles bled and the screen shattered. "Oh nah..fuck that, we're out." i said confidently. "hey, i dont dislike the idea of new games, though.." chishiya said. "i will bloody your face up as much as my fist is right now if we dont go." i said sternly. "yes ma'am.." he said calmly, and we left.


hiii sorry i wont be making a season 2 like i orginally said i would, and this is the end. sorry i couldnt push myself to make a season 2. byebye, stay safe!

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