9.0 || new-found-friendship ||

189 9 0

[reader's] POV:

       he walked up close to me, bent down to my ear, and whispered in it. "if you dont shut the fuck up and be afraid, i will make you afraid." "woah, shiver my fucking timbers." i said in a monotonous voice. "square up bitch, I'll fight your fake-ass right now." "Is there a problem?" 

     Everyone turned to look at the person who spoke up. It was Hatter. It couldnt have been better timing for him to show up. "Back off, Hatter. This isnt your business." Aguni said. "But it is my business. I'm the number one. What i say, goes. And what im saying is keep your hands off my newbies." everyone stared at them, scared of what was going to happen.

    "Niragi." Hatter called upon niragi. "the only one im willing to listen to is the boss." he answered. "fine, then i will ask the boss who is in charge of him. Who do you think is your boss, aguni?" he asked mockingly. aguni turned to face hatter. He stared down at him with stone cold eyes. "Its you, isnt it?" they had a stare-off, in which hatter lost. "Go take a shower." was all her could say. "Executives! There is a meeting right now, in the conference room."i looked at the three of my aquaintences. "Bye Arisu, bye Usagi! see you later, Kuina." i turned around, and walked away.


    I heard in the distance, hatter inviting Arisu, too. Chishiya met me by the door of the conference room. "hey, wife." he opened the door, and let me in. He sat me down, then sat in the chair to my right. Last boss stood behind me, as he usually didnt sit down. "Hi Last boss!" he mumbled a response. Now that i've thought about it, ive never heard him say a full sentence. Ive never had an actual conversation with him before. "Okay, the meeting starts now! Anyone who isn't an executive, leave." hatter said. i looked to my right, and i saw chishiya waving. I looked at who he was waving at, and it seemed he was saying hi to Arisu.

   "We have the two of spades, the six of spades, the four of diamonds, and the two of clubs." Mira said. Mira always reminded me of the uncanny valley affect. always creepy and staring. "so far, the exsitence of any face cards has not been confirmed." she added. "If there are no face cards, then all we need is the ten of hearts." kuzuryu said. "ahh...the ten of hearts. It hasn't appeared in any game yet." Mira answered.  "If it hasnt appeard yet...then maybe theres a reason for it. Maybe its not in tokyo prefecture." Ann suggested. 

   "No game arena has been found outside our 23 districsts." Kuzuryu argued. "well, that means we havent looked far enough." ann argued back. "we are not changing our plan. The search for the game arenas will continue. Keep an eye on visas. We will wiat for the ten of hearts to show up.  Hatter interrupted, not wanting them to argue anymore. "My visa needs to be reissued soon." he added. The millitants looked at eachother sinisterly.

     "respectfully, there is a way to earn a visa." Mira told. "Oh?" Hatter intrigued. "heart games tend to play with peoples emotions. So, if you bring poeple whom you dont care for, well, then you'll win for sure..." Mira suggested. "arisu cleared a seven of hearts game. I guess that means, well, if he can do it, anyone can." Mira smiled uncannily. 

   "Arisu you cleared the seven of hearts," Hatter started, "can you give us any advice?" hatter laughed mockingly. "even so, theres no way to predict when a hearts game will appear." ann facted. "We only find out what game it is after regristration closes." she added to her statement. "yes, but theory of probabilty will help us to determine the suit." Kuzuryu said.

    I deadpanned at his usage of smart words. Hatter slammed the table. "i dont need your pretentious theories. I'll participate in the next game. I dont care if its a heart or a spade, i can clear them all!" Hater said pridefully. "And i'll be there when the ten of hearts appears. The cards are on the table, our day of departure is near!" 

    He looked so "inspiring." I found it funny, so i laughed. "what are you laughing at? It better not be me." Hatter threatened. I laughed even louder at that. "Sorry, its just, you looked so "inspiring" that it made you look like a try-hard. Why did you feel the need to get up? and why are you lifting your arms up like that? You're not praising God, so what are you doing?" i teased. I heard chishiya sigh next to me. i felt breathing by my ear. "calm down, you'll anger hatter." the voice was unfamiliar, but it was obvious who it was. Last boss. Wow, last boss, warning me about hatter....i thought he hated him.

   "How dare you," hatter started. I interrupted him, "sorry, move on, please." he rubbed his temple. "Executives, you are incharge while im gone. Alright then, the meeting is done." hatter announced. I got up from my seat, and went outside. "i'm going to my room. Do not follow me, i need to take care of some work." chishiya warned. i sighed. "fine." i said in a tired tone. 


    last boss was in front of my room's door, almost like he was waiting. "Oh, hey last boss! what are you doing here? how do you know this is my room?" he opened the door, and signaled for me to go inside. "uhh okay?" i stepped inside, and he followed me. He closed the door, but he didnt lock it or anything. "Whats up?" he sat down of my bed, and pat the open side next to him. I sat down, and waited.

     "are we friends?" last boss asked. i was surprised, but i didnt want to look like I was. I didnt want him to feel bad about asking that. "I always considered us to be friends, but i never knew if you thought the same." i said softly. "hm. what if i consider you the person im closest to here." i was shocked at this point. he never did show any signs of wanting to get close to anyone, so i respected that. I always thought he was like chishiya, putting himself first, not needing any friends, stronger by himself.

    "i'd think of it as an honor, if so." i answered. "im scared. im really, really scared." last boss mumbled. "aguni scares me, hatter scares me. They're all above me, and have complete control over me." he says a little louder. "you shouldn't have to be scared of them. they really only have control of you because youre scared. They dont know youre scared, though. You have katana's for fucks sake! You fight better than Niragi, and youre really stealthy." i did my best to reasure him, but i couldnt tell if it was working or not.

    "im sorry im yelling at you...im just really scared." he mumbled. He wasn't even rasing his voice, let along yelling. he was just speaking in a desperate tone. "its okay, youre not yelling. You just need to vent a little, thats all. no one isnt atleast a little scared. deep down, no one knows for sure if theyre gonna survive this place. There isn't any guarantee. But those who think like theyre gonna live, usually do live. Its a mindset, not a feeling." i told him. "thank you for listening, i understand." he said back.

   "what the fuck are you doing in here." chishiya asked last boss. "he's only here because i asked him to be here." i said in a rude tone. "get out. now." chishiya said to last boss. "why are you in here? no one needs you in here." last boss retorted. "shes my wife. i can do whatever i want with her." chishiya claimed. "what the fuck? thats so messed up." i said, completely flabberghasted. 

    "what were you doing with him? why are you two so close?" he pried. "thats none of your concern. If it helps, i wasn't cheating on you." i replied. "answer me clearly. tell me whats going on." he kept prying which was pretty annoying. its none of his concern, really. im not hugging him, im not kissing him, im not cuddling with him. We're not touching, so why is he so offended?

     Last boss got up, and walked towards chishiya. He towered over chishiya. They made eye contact and just stared at eachother. They looked like they were about to kill eachother. 

"its not your business just because its your wife."


1461 words!! yayyy! longer chapter coz the last one was short and late. anyways, we're getting to the good part now lolol. i sprained my other ankle lmao. thats so embarrassing bru. Anyways, stay safe, i love you!! beyyebebyebyeybeeyeebyybeybeby

Arranged-by-love || Chishiya Shuntarō x [reader] ||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum