10.0 || fight-on-sight ||

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[readers] POV:

    Last boss got up, and walked towards chishiya. He towered over chishiya. They made eye contact and just stared at eachother. They looked like they were about to kill eachother. "its not your business just because its your wife." Last boss implied sternly. "I think it is. Shes my wife, i deserve to know why a man is residing in her room." chishiya spat back. "Hold on. when Kuina was in your room, you brushed it off saying, "the only reason shes in here is because i asked her to be in here." or some shitty excuse like that." i told.

   "well thats different, is he in here for work?" chishiya asked. "why does it matter?" Last boss backed me up. "shes my wife, why wouldnt it?" he calmly retorted. "we're like 3 feet apart...sitting on a bed. who even does that?" i said. "im not cheating on you." i added. "fine. just get him out of here." chishiya said. it sounded like a threat. "bye." last boss mumbled. he stood up and walked away. i watched as his lanky figure clicked the door shut. 

    chishiya grabbed my waist, so i flinched. "sorry. didnt mean to scare you." he said. he sat me on his lap, and hugged me. of course, being the kind forgiving person i was, i hugged him back. "im sorry. its not that i dont trust you, its that i dont trust last boss. youre so pretty, who knows what he wanted to do with you." chishiya mumbled into my neck. "wow, are you really trying to compliment your way into forgiveness?" i jokingly asked. "is it working?" he joked back. "yes." was all i said. i fell asleep, but woke up to chishiya laying me down. i didnt bother to open my eyes though. he kissed me on the forehead and left. 


   I woke up the next morning to banging on my door. I unlocked the door, and standing there was last boss. "chishiya told me to get you for the meeting. i dont know why. hurry though, its an important meeting." he said in a rushed yet quiet manner. "okay." i yawned. I got ready and hurried out. Last boss was waiting outside for me, so we walked. it was silent, but not uncomfortable. When we got there, he opened the large doors for me. everyone but chishiya was surrounding a dead body. i looked at the body, and it was hatters. 

   He laid lifeless on the table. i stood at the foot of him. right across from aguni. Last Boss insisted on standing against the wall, away from the corpse. Right after i had finished looking at the dead body, the doors opened. Chishiya and Arisu entered the room. Arisu stood on my right side, and chishiya stood next to him. Ann and Tata came rushing in after that. They stood next to hatter. "apparently, he couldnt clear the game." tata stated the obvious. "the maintenance team found his body while filling up gas." he added. well thats weird. His body is coincidentally placed where the maintenance team went? i scoffed mentally. ann went up to take a look at his body. "hey, can you not touch his corpse? You dissection freak." niragi scoffed. 

   "this is from a bullet. did his game invlove guns?" Ann asked no one in particular. "i think so. people around the area heard gunshots." tata answered no one in particular. "Oh no! Looks like he shouldve brought the millitants with him!" niragi said. his voice made my eardums want to bleed. the air was tense. no one new what else to say. we all had one question, but no one was brave enough to know the answer. until someone asked. "whats going to happen to the beach?" some side character said. "No one says a word about this, understood? we wouldnt want people freaking out." Mira threatened. 

   "ill become the leader, as i am number 2." kuzuryu said. I understood that logic. "hold on. shouldnt the strongest be the leader?" Niragi said. we all looked at him. surprisingly, i understood his logic too. but he only wanted power, it wasnt because he wanted the balance, it was because he wanted war. "we're the ones who've been getting rid of traitors, and yet, we're thrown into the dust. This bullshit ends now." he yelled. "if number 1 dies, everyone moves up by number." Kuzuryu argued. "well, the tyrant is dead now. The power has shifted now." he argued back.

  "lets just go with democracy. we'll vote, and majority rules all." he started walking around. "who thinks aguni should be leader." no one raised their hand. "youve got to be kidding me." he scoffed. "last boss." niragi called upon last boss. Last boss pulled out his katana, and slowly brought it up to Anns throat. "i'll ask again. who thinks aguni should be leader." Niragi said one last time. Ann scoffed and thought about it for a bit. then, she raised her hand. 

    "this....this is not a democracy." Mira stuttered. "well, i think it is. you can vote however you want, yes?" Niragi said as he put his rifle to her throat. she raised her hand. "What about former number 2? what are you gonna do?" he said rather in a threatening way than a questioning one. Kuzuryu raised his hand. as niragi walked by, more raised their hands, not wanting to be threatened. "what about you?" he pointed and cocked his rifle at chishiya. chishiya calmly taunted him by looking him straight in the eye. "chishiya, youre not looking down on me are you?" niragi threatened. "well, you are dumb." chishiya stated bluntly.

   Niragi got really close to his face and put the gun under his chin. "those eyes piss me off sometimes, you know that?" he said looking his eyes up and down. i moved between arisu and chishiya. i held onto his arm while his hand was still in his pocket. "you think youre better than us, dont you?" chishiya was staring intently into his eyes too. it was like a stare off but with extra tension. Chishiya took his hands out of his pockets and raised his arms up. "i vote aguni to be the leader, since my vote is so important to you." he said tauntingly. "let this be a warning of how you should act in the future. 

  "hey. why do you look so freaked out?" he passed me and went on to arisu. arisu said nothing. "give me an answer!" niragi said. "who's side are you on?" he asked. still, no answer. Last boss jumped at his with his sword, and made him flinch. arisu raised his hand as niragi was making fun of him. he walked by, and everyone else but me had voted for aguni. Then, he took a look around and saw i didnt vote for him. he slowly walked up to me. "could you hurry a little? waiting and watching you walk slowly is really awkward." i chuckled. 

   Chishiya laughed softly, too. he started walking a normal pace. he put his gun to my left tit, thinking it was my right. "thats the wrong boob, niragi" i grabbed his gun, and put it over my heart. i got a few laughs here and there. "are you trying to humiliate me? thats really dangerous, love." he put his gun down and grabbed my chin. he turned my head, and whispered in my ear. "do you want me to kill you?" he asked trying to be intimidating. "O.M.G. im about to piss my pants im so scared. my timbers have been shivered. you scare me so much niragi." i said in a sarcastic voice. "youre not taking me seriously enough." he said

   he pulled my chin towards him and tried to kiss me. i put my hands on his throat before he could. "No. youre not taking me seriously enough." i put a small ice pick to his throat. Last boss came up behind me and pulled me off. i would never hurt him, and he knew that. he took me out of the room and put me against the wall. "last boss...." i muttered. "hes going to kill you. dont taunt him like that." he softly said. "fine." i answered. we went back into the room. niragi shot my foot as soon as we got in. "dont ever try to do that again. or i wont be as understanding." niragi threatened. "thats it shithead." i ran up to him and threw a punch.

   i disarmed him and elbowed him in the center of his chest. it was enough for him to step back to take a breath. "you little shit." he mumbled. he went to pick up his gun, but i got it first. i pointed it at him he pulled out a smaller gun, and pointed it back at me. aguni went up behind him and took the gun. chishiya, Arisu, Ann, and Last boss held me back and unarmed me. 



1507 words. wow im so great, look at me writing these long ass chapters. anyways. I hate volleyball so fucking much. lolol okay, stay safe, i love you, byeyebbebyeybebyebyeybebybeyybebyebyebybye

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