Chapter Nine // Mia

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"Parker! Wake the fuck up! We have to get out of here!" I yelled as soon as we got through the front door of the hideout.

Emery, Ashe, and I made it back in record speed, adrenaline doing miracles as we raced, hoping and praying we'd be able to save Parker before the government infiltrated the place that had become our home. I didn't want to imagine Parker being taken from us, especially so soon after Shane.

When we arrived back at the Land Of Escapees, it looked untouched. Dead in the dusk, but untouched. But was that because of the time, or because the captures have begun?

This anxiety only escalated my worry for Parker.

Please let him still be here. Please let him be okay. Please let him be ali-

"I'm still up, what's going on?"

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Parker was still safe.

"Long story. We need to get out of here. This place is in danger. The government knows about it and they're most likely on their way," Ashe said as she followed Emery in the direction of the bedrooms, the two of them no doubt grabbing their emergency bags, the essentials we all kept in case of danger.

"Are you kidding me?"


Parker was taking the news exceptionally well, much calmer than I would've expected him to be under the circumstances. Granted, I didn't know what exactly I expected, but it was probably significantly more panic than he was showing.

"Emery, Ashe, grab me and Mia's bags and meet us at the power center. Mia, you're coming with me," Parker yelled out, before grabbing me by the hand and pulling me back into the night.

Usually, I was not afraid of the dark. I had not slept with a night light since I was eight years old, and had never felt any need to be threatened by the dark. This was different. This was a threatening dark, one that felt more unsafe by the second. Our lives could end at any second, and it was a terrifying feeling. One that I didn't realize could be this terrifying until it was staring me dead in the face.

"So how did this happen?"

Just like that, the night was marked with more questions, now from Parker. However, unlike other individuals I had encountered in the night, Parker was someone I didn't mind answering. If anything, he deserved answers.

"It's still a long story. But basically, Ashe met a new Unfavorable guy that found his way here but it turns out that he wasn't a guy. He's actually my ex girlfriend in disguise, who was an Unfavorable but exchanged that status for a mission to hunt us down, was involved in Shane's kidnapping, and has probably sent the rest of the nearby government here because Emery, Ashe, and I escaped her house with some classified documents in our possession."

Parker whistled in disbelief. "You guys are so stupid I swear. And you're gay, I didn't know that. Gay and stupid. Double whammy."

"Thanks Parker, means a lot," I said, voice dripping with sarcasm, mildly insulted by the fact that I was getting roasted by a middle school boy in true middle school boy fashion.

"No problem."

"So why are we going to the power center?"

"I set up an alarm system throughout the land when Emery and I set up the place. In case of danger, we can activate it, and give as many people as possible enough time to flee."

I felt less insulted by Parker after the explanation. Being called stupid by him was nothing when he was a child genius. It just took a reminder of this genius of his to figure that out.

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