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Rather unfortunately, some missions have low success rates. I wanted her, I wanted all five of them, but I only got one.

A success rate of twenty percent was still better than zero. I still had him, her little partner in crime, the one who had been so tightly glued to her side the whole time I had known her.

If he wasn't as tainted by the darkness inside of him as he was, he could've been beautiful. Sunkissed skin, the slightest tone of muscles, gold streaked hair and the most subtle pattern of freckles, like a child of the sun, albeit stolen by the shadows.

I still remembered how his eyes shone green in the light, sparkling when he smiled. They were closed now, knocked out after trying so tirelessly to fight us off, but I would never forget their life.

Even though that life was soon to die out when we were through.

If only he was on the right side of the tracks when the dust had settled. He could've been one of us so easily, a weapon for my cause, a spy on the inside that no one would suspect until it was too late to turn back.

But now he was to be drained for a picture bigger than my own. Not that it was too cruel of a fate, it was only justice, but it was a worthless move for me.

He stirred as the idea came into my mind. There was a way to meet all the ends possible. He could still be mine, if I was willing to sacrifice beauty for blood. He was still my way into the last eighty percent of my plan, including the most crucial, the one with the biggest bounty on her head.

Mine, and then theirs. Lively, and then drained of nothing but a faux loyalty to the government that made us. My outlet to what I wanted, and then their servant for the rest of his life, if you could call the erasure of memories and free will that.

He woke then, those stunning eyes surveying the room, encased in brown shadow, forms that could not be immediately adjusted to. Binds against his wrists and ankles, keeping him captive, something he should get used to while he still could.

And then his eyes focused on me, a flash of recognition accompanied by a flash of fury.


I couldn't help but smirk. What a fine reunion this was, the one who always had the upper hand now chained to submission while I, at long last, took dominance.

It was sweet to be the one with the power in the final showdown.

"Hello, Shane."

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