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She ruined me.

She left me to rot.

She tainted me.

She broke me.

She almost killed me.

If it weren't for her, everything would've been fine, but she had to go and break me, break my heart, poison me in the eyes of authority.

It was all her fault.

I could've become one of them if she never waltzed her way into my path. Could've been labeled as something much more than a toxin, a stain on the pristine surface of society.

I was labeled as one, temporarily, until I found myself a saving grace, a rewiring of my morality intended to make me a more dangerous ally as compared to who I could've been.

In this new world, I was a leader. A master of revenge, schemes sharper and more deadly than the beacon in my pocket, ready to summon a slightly more uncompromisable force than I was.

I would be her downfall.

The scheme was a long one, tracked since the very beginning of the new regime. A scheme of vengeance that would wreak havoc on her mind, her soul, her spirit, her independence.

And I was finally inches away from my launch, feet away from success.

It was sweeter than sugar.

One wrong move from her and she was a goner. Her and her little band of thieves, all gone for good. Nothing but ghosts of the people they were.

Just like she would have made me if I didn't save myself.

She deserved it, after all. Everyone did. If they couldn't handle the way the world works, it would take force, it would take erasure, it would take anything it needed to.

That's just how the world worked.

I was in place for a perfect revenge. I knew where she was, where she had thought she was hidden from the good and right, the just and true.

I knew who was with her, her band of ragtag misfits, tainted minions who just wanted to follow any guiding light to their wrongful definition of freedom. She probably thought she was some sort of saint who was freeing the wrongfully damned, not realizing she was nothing more than a puppet master pulling strings.

If I could destroy everything in my path, I would, if that was what it would take to destroy her.

It was all for a good cause. My revenge was just the richest side dish to the already delectable meal.

I couldn't stop counting down the seconds to destruction.

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