Start from the beginning

- Attention, 10- 7B, NONO, NOT THIS ONE, I repeat, 10- 7B, NONO, NOT THIS ONE, the square police officer copied the voice of the pink haired toddler as well.

Still at the park bruh

9 : 03

- So the baby is still in position of... not down the tree, John Dory observed in the distance Spruce that was still holding back Floyd from the red zone, So I will now attempt to engage in psychological persuasion dialogue in order to talk with... the baby.

Forming a megaphone with his hair, the oldest brother looked down at a list that had been provided to him to discuss with the baby; only he was reading off very slowly, sounding like a robot.

- Baby. Baby.

Branch looked down at him with huge eyes of confusion.

- Come. Here. Little. Peach. Fuzz.

He looked down at the list again, sighed, and added the kissy sounds at the end.

Floyd looked at him with discouragement and tried to call for Branch instead;

- Cmon Branch!! You can do it ! He reached out for him.

Only the pink haired trolling was stopped by Spruce, who covered his mouth:

- Shh ! Let the professional do the work !

- B-But- You're talking to him like if he was a pet or something ! Floyd frowned.

John Dory frowned and made a sign to Clay, the yellow troll immediately wrapped his arms around Floyd and tried to pull him back;



- Baby. Baby. Peach. Fuzz. John Dory kept talking like a robot. Come. See... Grandma, he continued, My sweet... hmm...

He turned back at Spruce and Clay that were practically crushing Floyd in a brother embrace;

- What's his name ?

- WHAT'S HIS NAME ??? Spruce shouted at Floyd.

-...... Branch ? Floyd raised an eyebrow.

- IT'S BRANCH ! Clay gave the answer.

John Dory scoffed;

- Pretty bad- uhm... Come. Here.... Branch.

The troll with goggles made his best impression of a baby noise which pretty much sounded like a dying armadillo.

The park what do you expect?

11 : 52

Grandma Rosiepuff had been curious to see what game her little peach fuzzes were playing since they had been at the park for now 4 hours and still hadn't come to see her to ask for a snack or anything- she was curious to see what play had kept her grandsons so entertained and so oblivious to time passing by.

When she saw them with their new cops outfits with Floyd held back by Clay, she walked up to John Dory, confused about the whole situation and why the HAIR was Branch up in a tree ??

- John ?? What's going on here ? She placed her hands on her hips.

The trolling was very much in character;

- The baby still refuses to cooperate with the law, so we called for a professional tree climber-

He turned around, and Grandma was able to notice Spruce trying his best to climb on the tree- only his right leg kept sliding off the first branch making him look miserable at his job.

- What the ?.... Grandma murmured under her breathe.

-.... Clay can you just help him– John Dory made sign to Clay

The yellow haired toddler went to help his brother climb on the tree almost sliding on the ground, letting their prisoner free.

-... so as I was saying, the professional tree climber will get to the baby and push him off the tree and the baby will then be collected... by the ground.


- I hope you're joking right now- Grandma raised an eyebrow at how ridiculous that sounded and was not worried since Spruce couldn't even get in the tree.


Before she could even stop her grandsons they went running after Floyd while the poor 5 year old was screaming for help.

Grandma Rosiepuff just used her hair to grab Branch and get him back to safety, holding him into her arms. The baby giggle, happy to see his brothers playing together.

- Cmon, let's catch those cops to bring them back to the pod shall we ? The grandmother giggled too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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