- Snow Day -

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Inspired by my crazy freaking childhood cause I was the Floyd of my 4 siblings family-


The sun was slowly rising and reflecting it's golden rays on the white coat of snow covering the forest. In the main tree of the village, a pod was gently moving in the cold breeze- inside of it was a not so perfect family just waking up for the day.

Grandma Rosiepuff woke up to the tickles of the sun on her eyelashes. She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she sat up in the bed- she saw that her clock alarm hadn't rang, and she immediately knew what that meant- she sighed and got up from her bed to walk downstairs.

As she expected, she found the oldest brother already placing breakfast on the table. She crossed her arms and he smiled at her when he noticed her presence;

- OH! Hey, Grandma ! John Dory smiled, his goggles already on his head.

- John... what hour were you up this time ? She asked him, concerned.

The little trolling had the bad habit to wake up very early in the morning before the sun would get up every single day, and since he couldn't fall back asleep- he would turn off her alarm and make his brothers breakfast.

- Oh uh- John Dory looked akward, Uhm... something likeeeee... 4 in the morning? He grinned, scratching the back of his neck, I'm not tired though !

Grandma sighed, shook her head- she had tried to help the oldest brother sleep better but no matter what she tried, she could never help him to get a normal shedule.

- John, baby, you know you need your sleep ! She remind him

- But I couldn't !! He groaned, sleeping is boring- Only Spruce thinks it's fun ! Talking about Spruce, I have to wake them up now ! 

- But it's 6 in the morning—

- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, John Dory placed the last plate on the table for baby Branch, Something magical happened during the night... I have to tell them !

Without another word, the evergreen haired trolling rushed to their shared bedroom upstairs. Grandma, knowing she wouldn't be able to catch him sat down at the table and started to eat her own breakfast- which she was surprised, actually tasted pretty good !

John Dory kicked the door open in a loud sound. He opened the lights, throwing his arms in the air;


Everyone groaned in protest. Clay raised from his pillow, the book that had been opened on his face fell into his lap.

- Huh? The middle child rubbed his eyes, John ! It's too early !! He flopped back into the matress.

- Close the lighttttt ! Spruce mumbled into his pillow.

Floyd meanwhile, slowly sat in his bed with his blanket wrapped around him. He was holding his huge unicorn plush in his arms as he slided off his bed lazily, his head leaning foward as he tried to stay awake.

- CMON GUYSSS, John Dory urged them and pull off Clay's blanket and throwed it on the ground, which revealed the huge amount of books that were hidden under the covers, YOU NEED TO SEE THE SURPRISE !!

- ... Surpriiise ? Floyd repeated in his little morning voice, his pink eyes opening lazily.

- It's the Rhonda commercial again, is it– Spruce grumbled as he still started to climb off the upper bed.


He used his hair, throwing them on the curtain to open it and reveal the landscape outside of their pod; the tree was covered in a white blanket of snow. The trollings all gasped in shock;

Basically Brozone Doing Chaos - TROLLS FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now