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A good smell of lavender was surrounding the area around Rosiepuff's pod. It was possible to ignore the fact they were in a giant cage and just enjoy the little moments of life.... and chaos of it.

Outside, in the backyard [aka a tree branch above the void] were a group of 4 trollings. One of them, called John Dory and the oldest, pulled his hiking glasses above his eyes to protect his capacity to see from his younger siblings that were currently learning how to throw their basketball right.

The one with yellow hair, Clay, screamed out and throwed it with force toward Spruce that screamed out in fear as he catched it by some miracle. He jumped and raised the orange ball above him;

- I GOT IT ! I GOT IT !!

- Yeah ! That's nice, just send it to me already !! John opened his arms ready to catch the ball.

But of course Spruce leaned foward and made it roll on the felt ground toward him. John sighed in dissapointement.

- Oh c'mon ! You can throw it better than that ! Clay protested.

- You want me to hurt them ?? Spruce gasped offended.


John rolled his eyes and watched their most little brother at the moment; Floyd was standing there with round eyes of confusion and holding a doll in his arms. He was only 3 at the moment.

- Hey Floyd ! John smiled with an idea, the pink haired young toddler turned his attention to him, catch !

He throwed the basketball toward his little brother. Floyd let go of his doll and catched it with surprise, always and staying quiet. Clay gasped in shock;


- Of course he's better than you ! Spruce said, still bit on nerves, Can he throw it though? He asked John, curious to see where this was going.

John streched his arms in front of him. Floyd just sat with the basketball and played drum on it, amused by the sound it was making.

- Let's see...

John lifted the toddler, holding him by the hands to put him back on his feet. He looked at John with curiosity as the turquoise haired troll placed the ball in his hands.

- Okay, Floyd, it's time to become a man ! He patted his head, Floyd just did not understand and stared, .... throw it ! JD gestured

Floyd raised the ball above his hair and throwed it- only for it to fall down the tree.

Sad that his new toy was gone, Floyd started to tear up and whimper baby cries, his little shoulders shaking with sobs. The 3 older brothers tried to calm him down;

- No no no Floyd, don't !!

- Grandma will ground us she will think we made you cry !

- We will get you another ball ! Like uh... hmm... Clay looked around him.

That's when he had the BEST idea.


Soon the new ball was ready, and gave to Floyd that happily cheered and walked around with it. John and Clay gave each other a High Five.

At that moment their Grandma Rosiepuff came out of the pod with a basket full of clean laundry that needed to dry. She gave a quick glance at her grandkids; they were finally behaving.

But as she went to look at the nest of hair where Branch's shell was suppose to be warming nicely under the sun- it was empty.

Rosiepuff's eyes widened.

- FLOYD, FLOYD, FLOYD ! She heard the cheering.

She turned around; right there. Floyd was holding the precious egg of their soon to be born little brother above his head and was about to throw it down the tree !!

- ....FLOYD DON'T—


They all got grounded :)

Basically Brozone Doing Chaos - TROLLS FANFICTIONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum