[Love Killer 30] Chapter 120 - Love Ending (End Of The Case)

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Zhang Ying described in detail the difficult process of chasing the murderer with Xu Tian... The vampire was very cunning and elusive. Communication and media were not developed at that time, so they asked everyone and looked for clues intermittently.

"Did you guys found him in the end." Zhan Zhao thought for a while and asked "But what happened to the museum that were robbed before?"

"It's a long story." Zhang Ying sighed "Things are more complicated."

Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang nodded and waited for Zhang Ying to continue.

"Ah Tian and I first studied some vampire culture... Then we coincidentally discovered that the other party was also studying vampire culture." Zhang Ying said "We followed this clue and followed the clues bit by bit. Finally, as you guys learned, the vampire was killed and the case was settled."

"They why are you and Xu Tian's abilities different from ordinary people?" Zhan Zhao asked puzzledly.

"That's right." Bai YuTang was also puzzled "You don't seem to feel pain."

"It is because when we were chasing the vampire, there was another group of people chasing them at the same time, and it happened to be that group of people who did some tricks on the both of us."

"Tricks?" Zhan Zhao frowned and asked "Just like... In those videos sent by Zhao Jue?"

"En." Zhang Ying thought for a moment and seemed a little embarrassed "How should I put it? At that time, there was still a force chasing those vampires, and as far as I know, those so-called vampires were just a group of failed test subjects."

"Failed test subjects?" Bai YuTang frowned "Another test subjects?"

"En." Zhang Ying nodded, then thought for a while, and said "It is said that in addition to framed the Bathory family and robbed their property, the church was also very interested in the mystery of the Bathory family's immortality. Therefore, they secretly established an organisation to study the Bathory family's immortality secret."

Zhan Zhao frowned slightly and said "They mistakenly believe that the Bathory family really engages in blood-sucking?"

"Heh..." Zhang Ying smiled disdainfully and said "The people in power at that time were extremely corrupted. In their view, the greatest medicine was witchcraft... Apart from sucking blood, can such an ignorant group come up with any other way to keep people youthful?"

"That's true." Zhan Zhao nodded "They raised vampires?"

"En." Zhang Ying took a sip of water and continued "Using the masks they invented to frame the Bathory family, they started killing people... They first used some adults to conduct experiments, but they were all unsuccessful. Later, they found some descendants of the Bathory family and took them back for research.

"What about those who were burned to death?" Bai YuTang wondered.

"Those are just scapegoats." Zhang Ying said "At that time, there were disagreements within the church. One man, whom everyone called Father Matthew, put forward different views. The social situation at that time was complicated, and war was about to break out, so... The power of the church was divided into two. Father Matthew was hunted down, and he only took away his own research materials and a few people with pure Bathory family blood... They flew far away to America, far away from the war. The remaining organisations continued to cultivate their so-called vampires... Subsequently, the war broke out, but the organisation still existed. They had been operating secretly and began to train them from young."

"Young children?" Zhan Zhao frowned, and everyone understood. No wonder those vampires have adapted to sucking blood to survive. It turns out that they were trained since childhood.

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now