[Murderer VS Murderer 31] Chapter 58 - Action Plan

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Zhan Zhao's idea is indeed a bit puzzling. He asked Leonard, Kalula and the police to start from three aspects and various channels to cut off the flow of drugs, narcotics, and sedatives into the Lipari Island, especially the southernmost island, which is Wofu's headquarters.

"Mao Er, what's the use of banning these?" Bai YuTang was puzzled.

"Wofu's control over people has not yet been perfected, so he relies heavily on drugs. As long as he is stopped from using drugs for a few days, he can't do anything." Zhan Zhao said.

"What will happen if everyone with him has no drugs?" OuYang Chun was curious.

Zhan Zhao smiled slightly "The point of taming beasts is that most of the time these beasts are harmless, and they will only attack when you let them attack."

"What if there is no drug to control them?" Zhao Zhen asked.

"Then it's not a domestic animal, it's a wild beast." Zhao Jue said lightly, and then drank his tea leisurely.

Bai YuTang thought for a while, and said to Mason "Arrange enough police forces in major hospitals where the drugs are stored, and let them bring along electric batons and net gun to capture them alive."

Everyone couldn't help but want to laugh, Bai YuTang himself was captured like this once, and he really learned a new trick.

"Oh no!" Zhao Hu suddenly slapped his thigh and roared.

Everyone around was startled by him, Ma Han gave him a blank look "Hu Zi, what's wrong?"

"Think about it!" Zhao Hu said "If anyone wants to catch our leader in the future, they can just use net guns and electric batons?"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked in the ass by Wang Chao "Who can catch our leader twice?! We have already thought of a way!"

Zhao Hu rubbed his head and looked at Bai YuTang, who smiled at him "Do you want to try?"

"Uh, forget it." Zhao Hu obediently went to the side and stayed there.

Mason went to make arrangements, Zhan Zhao thought for a while, then opened the document that Zhao Jue gave him previously, and asked Zhao Jue "Are you doing it or should I do it?"

Zhao Jue took the document and said "Let's do it together." After speaking, the two entered the study room together, and asked Jiang Ping to prepare recording equipment, then the two of them got busy.

Everyone outside looked at each other, not knowing what the two of them were going to do.

Although Bai YuTang was curious, he didn't want to disturb them. A group of people waited outside for an afternoon, and finally Zhan Zhao and Zhao Jue came out and took out a few CDs.

"Mao Er, are you done?" Bai YuTang asked Zhan Zhao curiously.

"En." Zhan Zhao nodded "It's done."

"What is it?" Bai YuTang took the CD.

"It's some recordings for emotional control." Zhan Zhao rubbed his brows and said "After a period of time, Mason will probably catch a lot of people under control. Although taking drugs can make them less manic, it is harmful to the body after all. These recordings can keep them quiet for a period of time, and then treat them collectively, so that the recovery will be faster. Otherwise, even if their illness is cured, they will have to quit drugs which will also take a long time."

Everyone nodded, Bai YuTang saw that Zhan Zhao seemed to be very tired, so he stretched out his hand to massage his neck and shoulders. Everyone couldn't help laughing, it was rare in a thousand years to see Bai YuTang with such sweet action.

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ