[Innocent Murderer 15] Chapter 15 - Girlfriend

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Zhang Long and Wang Chao brought the "white coat" from the forensics department back to S.C.I., and told Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang about what happened just now.

Bai YuTang nodded, pointed to the interrogation room, and motioned to bring him in. Afterwards, he instructed Bai Chi and Luo Tian to check the identity of the police officer who was killed. The others assisted Jiang Ping to check all the surveillance data, and Gong Sun went home to rest. After that, Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao walked into the interrogation room together.

"What's your name?" Seeing that the police officer from the forensics department was shaking, he winked at Zhan Zhao —— Mao Er, this is tender!

Zhan Zhao nodded —— You should scare him, it probably won't take two sentences and he will admit it.

Bai YuTang understood, he moved a chair and sat down in front of the man, asking coldly.

"Zhang YanKai." The other party answered honestly.

"Zhang YanKai?" Bai YuTang nodded "How long have you been in the forensics department?"

"I... I just started my internship." Zhang YanKai replied in a low voice, his voice is trembling "Captain... Captain Bai, it's none of my business, I didn't do it on purpose."

Bai YuTang sneered "Didn't do it on purpose? But send a bomb to S.C.I., and a police officer died on the rooftop... Is this called didn't do it on purpose?!"

"No... I didn't know it would be like this..." Zhang YanKai hurriedly argued with his face flushed red.

"Don't get too anxious." Zhan Zhao said "It's useless to be anxious. Tell us what happened. Do you know the person who sent the bomb?"

"I... I'm not sure if she is the one who sent the bomb." Zhang YanKai calmed down a little and said in a low voice "But... I borrowed her my white coat and let her pretend to be someone from the forensics department to enter the police station."

"Who is she?" Bai YuTang asked.

"My girlfriend." Zhang YanKai said "I met her at Dr Zhan's book club... We've been dating for half a year."

"Book club?" Zhan Zhao was puzzled "Mine?"

"En." Zhang YanKai said a little embarrassedly "You probably don't know that there are many people who are fascinated by your books... More than half of the youngsters in the police station have you and captain Bai as their idols... We brought your book, set up a forum on the internet, set up your book club, and then we often organise activities and met many friends with similar interests."

Zhan Zhao nodded "The girlfriend that you mentioned, what's her name?"

"Her name is An LingLi." Zhang YanKai replied.

"What?!" Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang looked at each other and asked again with wide eyes "An LingLi?"

"Yes." Zhang YanKai nodded "Her father is also a police officer, and his qualifications in the police station are quite old... However, LingLi told me that her father was very opposed to her interacting with police, so she told me not to say anything."

Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang looked at each other and immediately realised that this kid might have been deceived.

Bai YuTang stood up and ran out. After a while, he brought in a photo of An LingLi and asked "Is it this person?"

Zhang YanKai leaned over to take a look, but frowned slightly, and shook his head "No."

Zhan Zhao stared at Zhang YanKai's actions, and asked inexplicably "You are a little hesitant in your action. Shouldn't you be able to tell if this is your girlfriend or not at a glance?!"

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu