[Love Killer 12] Chapter 102 - Xu Tian

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After returning to the police station, Zhan Zhao and the others who hadn't slept all night were extremely sleepy. Zhan Zhao and Bai Chi fell asleep after lying on the sofa for a while.

Ma Xin and the others were called up early in the morning, and they are not sleepy yet, but seeing Gong Sun's pale face, she felt a little worried. But Ma Xin knew very well that such corpses, Gong Sun have do the autopsy himself, and she blamed herself for being too new, often missing some important clues, so most of the work was still undertaken by Gong Sun.

Bai JinTang also followed them back, seeing Gong Sun so skinny, staying up all night with hypoglycemia and not liking sweets and meat, he is also a little grumpy, and Bai YuTang's scalp went numb from his stares. The S.C.I. officers all went back to work, Da Ding and Xiao Ding brought breakfast for everyone, and Bai JinTang coaxed and tricked Gong Sun into eating a piece of chocolate cake and drinking a large glass of milk before letting him into the forensic room for the autopsy.

Bai YuTang sat at the desk and looked at the information about the vampire back then. Everyone was busy investigating the clues of the deceased, as well as the previous case from a few days ago. Luo Tian was reporting the situation of the injured students to Bai YuTang, they couldn't ask anything now, the student's vocal cords were cut, even if he recovered, he might be mute, and they couldn't get anything from him... After all, he didn't saw anything.

There was nothing wrong with the girl other than being frightened, and she was picked up by her parents. The murderer's clothes have been checked, and many people's fingerprints have been found, which shows that it should be from street vendors, and they have sent officers to track it down. Wang Chao and the others came back to report that the roads around the forest were blocked all night, and there were no clues of any cyclists.

And the lucky man who was caught in the woods was indeed a fugitive wanted dealer, who had been taken away by the narcotics team for investigation.

The evidence collected in that mysterious wooden house is being investigated by the forensics team, and the identity of the forester has been confirmed... But it seemed that all the clues became useless with the disappearance of the mysterious man. Bai YuTang sat in a daze with a pile of documents, and he needs to sort out the messy clues in his head.

Zhao Hu handed him a cup of coffee and said "Leader, you should sleep for a while too."

Bai YuTang shook his head, indicating that he was not sleepy, then he turned to Jiang Ping and said "Jiang Ping, help me find clues about Xu Tian and Zhang MiaoMiao, where are they now, I want to ask about the details of the vampire case back then."

"Yes leader." Jiang Ping checked for a long time, then turned to Bai YuTang and said "Leader... Xu Tian passed away ten years ago."

"What?" Bai YuTang frowned, Xu Tian died ten years ago? In other words, he started chasing that vampire for ten years when he was in his twenties, then stayed with Zhang MiaoMiao for ten years after catching him, and died at the age of forty?!

"How did he die?" Bai YuTang asked.

"Suicide." Jiang Ping said.

"How is it possible?" Zhao Zhen, who was sleepy on the sofa beside them, also heard it, feeling unbelievable, and said "How could such a resolute person commit suicide?"

"He jumped off the building." Jiang Ping printed out the relevant information and gave it to Bai YuTang. Bai YuTang took the information, the photo was when Xu Tian was in his twenties, he was resolute and handsome, a very outstanding man.

Bai YuTang looked at his simple profile, sighed, and had some bad premonition in his heart, thinking that Xu Tian loved Zhang MiaoMiao so deeply, how could he commit suicide so easily? Could it be that something happened to Zhang MiaoMiao...

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now