[Password Killer 10] Chapter 70 - Forensic

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Bai YuTang's car drove round and round to the destination according to the address Jiang Ping had found. As soon as the car stopped, Gong Sun burst out laughing.

Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang glanced at each other, then turned their heads to look at him puzzledly, and saw that Luo Tian who was beside Gong Sun was also frowning while looking out of the car window. Both Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang turned their heads at the same time, and looked in the direction that Luo Tian was looking at. They saw an iron gate not far away, with a few large characters painted in red paint beside the gate —— The back gate of the cemetery.

"Hehe..." Bai YuTang also laughed, and said "I was thinking why this address looks so familiar, it's the street behind the cemetery."

"It's more auspicious to have the cemetery back facing than facing the cemetery." Gong Sun shook his head and said "Is Jiang Ping playing a trick on us?"

"I don't think so." Zhan Zhao pointed to the other side, and said "There is a small apartment there."

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of Zhan Zhao's finger. Not far away, there is a small villa surrounded by high walls, the gate is facing the back door of the cemetery, and there are several big black dogs in the yard. When they saw Zhan Zhao and the others in the car, all of them started barking. Those dogs were not small in size and all looked very fierce, but everyone was used to seeing Lisbon, so they didn't pay attention to those few big dogs.

Bai YuTang checked the house number and address, then said "It should be here."

Everyone got out of the car and walked towards the villa.

Luo Tian walked in front, came to the door and rang the doorbell. Everyone was waiting at the door, and Luo Tian rang the bell a while ago, but no one in the house answered.

"Is he not home?" Zhan Zhao looked inside "The curtains are all closed."

Luo Tian pressed the button for a while, and everyone was a little disappointed. They were about to leave when they heard a dry and hoarse voice from inside, asking "Who is it?"

Everyone was a little rejoiced that they came in broad daylight. If it was late at night and there was a cemetery behind them, there would be an atmosphere.

"Is Qiao WeiMing here?" Zhan Zhao asked.

The person on the other end of the electronic doorbell hesitated for a moment, and said "Who are you?"

Before Zhan Zhao could speak, he heard Gong Sun say "Gong Sun Ce."

There was no sound from the doorbell, and after a while, the door of the villa opened, and a bearded man ran out in pyjamas and slippers. When the dogs saw him, they all surrounded him excitedly, barking and wagging their tails. The man waved to the people at the door and said "Wait a minute, I'll lock up the dogs." As he said, he took the dogs into a cage beside him.

Bai YuTang asked Gong Sun "Is that man Qiao WeiMing?"

Gong Sun shrugged "It could be his father... He's much older now."

After the man locked the dogs up, he walked to the door. An inexplicable gloomy air emanating from his body made everyone frown slightly.

"I'm Qiao WeiMing." The person who came said his name, and his eyes scanned them one by one, and finally fell on Gong Sun. There seemed to be a flash of surprise and some inexplicable excitement in his eyes, and he asked "Why did you come?"

Gong Sun pointed to Bai YuTang beside him, and said "This is Bai YuTang, the captain of S.C.I.." He then pointed to Zhan Zhao "Zhan Zhao, S.C.I.'s psychologist." Then pointed to Luo Tian "S.C.I. team member." Then pointed to himself "S.C.I. forensic doctor." Lastly he pointed to Qiao WeiMing "We need to ask you for some information about a case."

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum