ch. 56

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He is a very controlling person.

At work, he is a consistent leader, and in life, he can handle all matters in an orderly manner.

As for now...

Even though his puppy had exposed its fangs, he did not flinch at all, but instead developed a strong desire to conquer.

Danbuliu looked at Hui Ji walking towards him, raised his chin slightly: "Come here and blow dry my hair."

Hui Ji didn't refuse.

The buzz of the hair dryer rang in his ears, and he sat slumped on the sofa, letting gray fingers pass through his hair.

Section 97

From his angle, the shape of Hui Ji can be clearly seen. However, the other party's movements were still gentle and did not show any impatience, which shows his strong control.

At this moment, Dai Buliu vaguely realized that Hui Ji was much more unfathomable than his appearance showed.

Also, the person who can make the Ji family into a mess will definitely not be a simple white rabbit. It is evident that Hui Ji is very thoughtful when planning in such a complicated family environment.

But in front of him, he pretended to be harmless...

Decan Buliu liked the feeling of being pleased. He held up his chin and poked Hui Ji.

The buzzing sound of the hair dryer stopped.

The person in front of him suddenly froze and lowered his head in disbelief: "What are you doing?"

Decanbuliu raised his eyes to look at him, his cat eyes were too beautiful to be true: "What do you think?"

After saying that, he even poked again.

This time he increased his strength. Hui Ji quickly frowned and his eyes became darker and darker.

Objectively speaking, Denbuliu has a pair of very beautiful hands, with slender joints and cold white complexion. He is as cold, serious and unattainable as himself. But now, his white jade-like fingers are touching him here.

Hui Ji's Adam's apple twitched slightly, and Den Buliu thought he was asking for mercy. However, the next moment, Hui Ji suddenly threw away the hair dryer, grabbed his hand and pressed it down hard.

The touch under his hands was too vivid, like grabbing a beating heart. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by this feeling.

His rhythm is slower, preferring gradual control rather than this wild roughness.

Denbuliu frowned: "Let go."

Hui Ji was unmoved, but held his hand harder.

"Do you feel it?" the man said in his ear, "it's beating for you."

Denbuliu raised his eyebrows and increased the strength on his hands. Hui Ji groaned and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Denbuliu raised his eyes provocatively: "You still won't let go?"

The next moment, Hui Ji stepped down and bumped into his hand.

A visible war raged indoors.

Decadent will not admit defeat, Hui Ji will not be outdone.

The two started fighting, as if ice and fire collided, splashing countless ice fragments and sparks.

Fire melts ice, which turns into water and extinguishes fire.

However, as one piece of ice melts, more ice remains.

A cluster of flames went out, and a bigger fire started.

(龙傲天穿成爽文炮灰经纪人)Long Aotian transforms into Shuangwen's cannon fodder agentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora