ch. 46

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Hui Ji was still holding Bess in his arms. Before he could even react, he was pulled into his arms by Dan Buliu.

Denbuliu came in so quickly that he didn't even have time to take off his coat. Hui Ji pressed her cheek against his thick woolen suit, and could smell the delicious citrus scent on his body.

Closing his eyes, it felt like they were sitting together in front of a warm fireplace on a snowy winter afternoon.

There is a fire in my ears, and the snow is rustling outside the window. Buliu was sitting on a chair reading a book. When he got annoyed, he threw an orange at him to kill him.

Hui Ji peeled the orange peel, fed the pulp to Dan Buliu, and threw the peel into the fireplace. The burning citrus peel oil emits a fragrant aroma that warms the entire room.

Then he leaned back and fell into a long, long sleep. In the dream, there was a steady and steady heartbeat, steady and reliable.

Hui Ji had imagined such a scene countless times to survive the suffocating reality.

But no matter how many times he thought about it, there were still countless disgusting things that bothered him.

He thought that if all the people in the Ji family died, no one would dare to disturb him and Denbuliu anymore.

Hui Ji's ten fingers tightened instantly, and his fingertips pressed heavily on the strings, causing him pain.

"let go."

Denbuliu noticed his exertion and took the bass from his arms.

Hui Ji let go of Bei Si, but was reluctant to let go of the hand that was holding Lu Bu Liu.

Den Bu Liu: "Let go."

Hui Ji reluctantly let go of his hand, and before he could lose his grip, he was pulled out of the room by decadence.

"Are you injured?" The man turned up his fingertips and looked at them carefully in the sunlight.

"No." Hui Ji moved his fingers, a little unaccustomed to being touched like this.

"It's true that the skin is not broken, but it's very red and there are indentations." Danbuliu touched the pads of Hui Ji's fingers, curious, "I heard that calluses will form between the fingers of people who practice playing musical instruments. Why don't you?"

"I don't play the bass very much," Hui Ji trembled at his touch, and replied bravely, "The thick callus will affect the touch of playing the piano, and it will not be so sensitive."

Denbuliu groaned, but still didn't let go. Because he found that Hui Ji's fingertips seemed to be fuller and rounder than those of normal people.

I heard that people who play the piano have fuller fingers than normal people, but this is the first time that I have seen such hands in real life.

Hui Ji has a pair of big, thin hands with distinct joints, slender knuckles, and protruding veins on the back of his hands, making him look very aggressive.

But once you touch his swollen fingertips, the feeling is completely different.

Hui Ji's nails were cut very short, making his fingertips appear larger. They were soft and bouncy when pinched, like a dog's pads.

Decan Buliu deliberately distracted Hui Ji's attention and pinched all of Hui Ji's fingertips one by one.

He had a cold face, but when he squeezed his fingers, there was an inexplicable lust.

"Stop it..." Hui Ji curled his knuckles and avoided his touch.

"It hurts?" Danbuliu raised his head and noticed that Hui Ji's face turned slightly pale.

(龙傲天穿成爽文炮灰经纪人)Long Aotian transforms into Shuangwen's cannon fodder agentWhere stories live. Discover now