ch. 13

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Before leaving for the airport the next day, Denbuliu went to the twins' home to arrange their schedule and check their work arrangements for the week in Paris.

Decan Buliu entered the room after entering the password. The room was dark without any light. He turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and walked inside. As soon as he took a step, he kicked something.

The glass wine bottle hit the wall with a "bang" sound, and the strong smell of alcohol filled the entire living room. A pile of wine bottles and dirty clothes were scattered on the floor.

Section 17

There was a man curled up on the sofa, his arrogant silver hair still dazzling in the darkness. He had no shirt on, only a pair of baggy gray sweatpants stuck to his hips. The strong muscle lines on his body showed his status as the main dancer in the Gemini group.

Denbuliu looked away, picked up the T-shirt on the ground and threw it to the boy: "Li Xingbei, get up."

The person on the sofa was fast asleep and there was no movement.

Decanbuliu picked up the remote control on the coffee table and opened the window. Bright sunlight shone into the room. The person on the sofa turned over and pulled a pillow to cover his eyes: "Fuck, close it..."

Because of this action, the boy became naked. The naked back was completely exposed. Only then did Danbuliu see that Li Xingbei had a few faint red marks on his back, and lipstick marks were clearly visible on his neck, highlighting his absurd night.

Decanbuliu didn't ask too much. He was not the twins' manager, and he had no interest in intervening in the other's private life. He turned around and knocked on the door of another room.

Soon the door opened from the inside, and a thin and handsome boy leaned out half of his body. He has smooth black hair and a mole between the corner of his lip and chin. Although he is a twin, he reveals a gentle temperament that is completely different from Li Xingbei.

"Mr. Decadent?" The moment our eyes met, Li Yuexi laughed, "Are you here? Please accompany us to Paris this time."

"It's a matter of duty," Danbuliu added, as he likes polite people, "I'm here to check the work arrangements with you."

"Oh, yes, we agreed before!" Li Yuexi seemed to have remembered it now. He looked at the situation in the living room and looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry, my brother played late last night, I'm going to wake him up right now. ."

After Li Yuexi finished speaking, he returned to his room. When he came out again, he had a little yellow duck in his hand for taking a bath.

He walked all the way to the sofa, put the little yellow duck next to Li Xingbei's ear, and then...

"Chi chi chi——"

The little yellow duck's cry sounded in the room, and the people on the sofa jumped up instantly, as if they had seen some savage beast, and hid at the other end.

"Brother, are you bothered?" Li Xingbei shouted, "I told you not to put little yellow ducks in my ears in the future!"

"Who told you not to get up yet?" Li Yuexi put down the duck and smiled innocently, "Mr. Decai is already here. You go wash up first and check your work later."

"It's really troublesome," Li Xingbei clicked his tongue on the sofa, raised his head and shouted to Dan Buliu, "Hey, go buy me two breakfasts."

Decanbuliu sat on the chair and took out his tablet and said without raising his head: "I'll give you ten minutes to clean up, and then come over and listen to my work arrangements."

(龙傲天穿成爽文炮灰经纪人)Long Aotian transforms into Shuangwen's cannon fodder agentWhere stories live. Discover now