ch. 35

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The man in front of him had a stern gaze, showing unprecedented determination, as if he was the ideal self in Shen Yu's memory many years ago.

At that time, he was just starting out, and he prided himself on being extremely talented and believed that as long as he put in the hard work, he would be rewarded.

He plunged headlong into this dirty world, and it wasn't until he was beaten many times that he finally realized that the world was not what the textbooks claimed...

It is not black and white, nor does it mean that good people will be rewarded, and not all efforts will be rewarded.

It was a world controlled by money and power, and the character and ability he once regarded as Guiyao only occupied a small part.

The successive setbacks made him retreat into his shell, and he even died in anger to prove his ambition. But I never thought that at the most desperate moment, I would encounter the decadence in front of me.

This person didn't talk about his ideals with him, nor did he praise his gorgeous writing. He just talked about contracts and interests with him with a cold attitude, almost indifferently.

Worldly, yet more reliable than every previous collaborator.

Shen Yu took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then he raised his head and held his slumped hand tightly: "I will join you, and I will not admit defeat this time."

Danbuliu accompanied him to the rolling shutter door downstairs and said, "I'll give you half an hour to pack your things and leave with us."

Shen Yu was stunned: "Where are you going?"

Denbuliu: "Rent a house in the city or stay in a hotel. In short, you don't want to come back soon."

"Why?" Hearing what he said, Shen Yu panicked, "You, you won't put me in a dark room and won't let me out until I finish writing the manuscript, will you?"

"So you like this style of cooperation? But I'm sorry, we can't provide it." Denbuliu looked out the window and said calmly, "Later we will report gang activities in Binhai New Village, including extortion, loan sharking, etc. Illegal conduct."

"Yes," Chi Luyang nodded, "If you still stay here, they may come to trouble you."

This is the reason...

They were actually solving problems for him.

"Um, thank you," Shen Yu looked up at Dan Buliu and said sincerely, "If I hadn't met you, I can't believe where I would be now."

"No need to thank me, you should be grateful for your talent." Denbuliu glanced at him with a calm tone, "If I didn't need you to write a script, I wouldn't come to you. Don't feel guilty about this, we are To each his own."

Shen Yu knew that he was helping him.

Although he always looks cold and ruthless, there is a human touch in his actions.

The script had been sold to them a long time ago. He could have found another screenwriter to modify it on his own, but this person came to him personally and helped him solve a lot of troubles.

These days, people as principled and capable as Den Buliu are almost on the verge of extinction. I didn't expect to be met by him...

Shen Yu took a deep breath and said seriously: "I will work hard and never let you down!"

But having a story is just the beginning.

Modern movies are the product of industry. Except for a very small number of low-cost individual works, most movies require the joint efforts of multiple members. The next step is to attract investment and realize the wild ideas.

(龙傲天穿成爽文炮灰经纪人)Long Aotian transforms into Shuangwen's cannon fodder agentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora