
11 3 0

"do you hear,
the music from,
that café there?"
as if she offered a gum

messy hair
wavy and short
defining where
her shoulders begun

bright red dress
leg over leg
as if she was made
to make others beg

bright brown eyes
dollish wide
an innocent look
which I knew was a lie

my hand on my chin
what would she think
of me when I-
never mind, I'm here to drink

an empty bar
at a 50's kitchen
in an old and crusty
but homey condition

she sat across
five seats over
only us three
but I wished her closer

to look deep
into her skin
to inspect her nature
to see her words' ink

but also I knew
a man with no words
to hold himself to
who lives in a lonely world

a man who knows
he won't answer to her
but I don't know what I miss
so why should I care

Talking heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora