He yells at me and grabs me by my collar. Oh boy. I have really done it this time. I don't think I'm getting out of this room alive.

Ash: "Serena. Is. Mine. Got it? Mine and mine only. Stay. Out. Of. It."

Ash reaches for the door handle and glares at me before leaving and slams the door behind him. Uh oh. I need to tell Serena. I run out of the door and see Ash leaving while Serena asks him where he's going. Ash says nothing and leaves telling Pikachu to stay here. Serena turns to me angrily.

Serena: "What did you do?"

"I did what you told me! I made him jealous so he snapped! I did my best and now your ungrateful."

Bonnie: "Wait. What? Are you kidding!? Ash is crushed! How could you!? Both of you?"

Clemont: *confused* "Crushed? He's that sad about losing a battle?"

Everyone stares at Clemont in utter disbelief.

Bonnie: "Don't worry about it Clemont."

"I'm sorry Serena, but I thought this is what you wanted. You should probably go after him."

Serena nods at me, grabs her coat and runs out of the door. The door slams shut and Clemont looks at me with a confused expression.

"Not now, Clemont. I know your confused, but I really don't need to deal with this right now."

I sit down on a chair for a couple minutes but I feel restless so I get up and start pacing back and forth across the room. Ash, I'm sorry. Serena, I hope you can come clean to him whatever the outcome is.

*With Serena searching for Ash*

Serena's POV:


Ash looks down and moves his cap to cover more of his face.

Ash: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just left you like that."

"I know how you feel, I've been there."

I should probably try and make him feel better about his lose to Wulfric before I tell him about me asking Calem to make him feel jealous. I remember my first performance. Wow. That was really bad.

"Remember when I really goofed-"

Ash: "You don't have a clue how I feel!"

"Then tell me about it!"

Ash: "It's none of your business! Leave me alone."

"I want to know Ash! This isn't like you. The Ash I know is full of energy. He's a leader. He always tries his best. He's always positive. And he never gives up. He hangs in there till the very end. You're not acting like the Ash I know! Stop!! Give me back the real Ash because you sure aren't him!"

I pick up a snowball and launch at his face, only for him to catch it at the last minute.

Ash: "I told you. You have no idea how I feel. I have given up being all positive all the time! Wanna know why? Because I always fail! Again and again. I haven't won a single league. I try again. And guess what? I fail. And I can't even love you because I'm a coward!!"

Wait. What!? My head begins to spin. Ash loves me? B-but he's so dense. What's going on? Ash's eyes are wide and he looks like he is in shock that he just let it slip out of his mouth.

*Softly* "Y-you love me?"

I ask him and his face lights up for a second but immediately darkens again.

Ash: "No. I was messing with you. I hate you! Leave. Me. Alone."

My heart shatters into a million pieces. Ash hates me. Of course he does. I didn't even tell him about my plan with Calem. I don't think he needs to know right now. Right now, I need to get out of here.

I run away from Ash. I have no idea where I'm going, I just want to get away. Away from him. I thought for a moment that he loved me, I was wrong. He hates me. I stumble through the forest and a wave of confusion washes over me. Where am I? I thought I was heading back to the Pokémon Centre... Oh no. I'm completely lost. The snow starts to pick up and the wind howls in my ears. I put my arm in front of my face. I can't see a thing.

"Hello!? Can anyone hear me? I'm lost! Ahhhh!"

Suddenly the ground gives way beneath me and I can feel myself falling.

I am falling through the air. I am a wreckage of a person. I am exactly the same vast chuck of snow and ice that is falling with me - the universe does not know the difference between us, it does not care. The chunks of ice and snow are falling at the same speed, and soon we will both smash and shatter. Everything is quiet now. There is no wind howling in my ears. The snowflakes seem to have stopped falling around me. Maybe time has stopped. Who know? Perhaps it is a dream, I think, but I know that it is real. Everything that just happened was real. I am still falling, and I think perhaps it would be best if I could keep falling for ever... But I know that the unbearable jolt will come soon as the ground rushes up to face me. Just before I hit the ground, two strong arms wrap around my waist. And then I black out.

Me: I just wanted to say that the paragraph that you just read, isn't mine, at least not all of it. I altered it a bit, but I took it from a book (not on Wattpad it's a paperback book). It's one of my favorite books and it's called 'Our Castle by the Sea'. So some of the above paragraph goes to Lucy Strange, she's a really talented author.

*With Ash.*

Ash's POV:

Ash: "No. I was messing with you. I hate you! Leave. Me. Alone."

Serena turns around and runs away from me, the opposite direction that she came from. I should warn her. I reach out my arm in her direction but slowly bring it back down to my side as I watch her retreating back. She looked so broken when I told her that I hate her. I don't know what got into me. Oh wait. I am still a coward. Ugh! What. Is. Wrong. With. Me. I should go after her. I need to fix this. I can't lose her through this. And when she said 'give me back the Ash I know' something clicked inside me. I'm not acting like myself. I need to pull myself together, not give up until the very end, find Serena and apologise to her.


What have I done?

I'm so sorry.

Me: And that's Chapter 2. Merry Christmas everyone! I will Publish Chapter 3 tomorrow, the majority of it is done it just needs some tweaking and I need to write one of the paragraphs still. But I'm nearly there and Chapter 3 will also be the last Chapter.

1742 Words

Sylveon4life signing off.

Sylveon4life signing off

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