Chapter 2

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Me: Here's Chapter 2!

*At Snowbelle City Gym*

Serena's POV:

Wulfric: "Hello, and welcome to my gym. I specialise in Ice types. Which one of you are going to challenge my gym? Except Calem of course who already gave me a good thrashing."

Ash: "I am! My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallett Town in Kanto. This is my partner Pikachu."

Pikachu: "Pika!"

Ash pumps his fist in the air in excitement and I smile and chuckle at him.

Wulfric: "Well then, let's do this."

"Good luck Ash!"

Ash: "Thanks Serena!"

He gives me the goofy grin I love so much and Calem rolls his eyes. Me, Calem, Clemont and Bonnie watch from the side.

Me: I think we all know what happens next, but if you don't Ash loses. Sorry, but I can't be bothered to write the battle I find writing battles a bit tedious, sorry again.

*In the Pokémon Centre*

Ash's POV:

I failed. Again. This feeling isn't knew to me, every new region I come to, I fail again and again, over and over. I don't know what do anymore. I change everything when I come to a new region, my Pokémon, my rivals, my travelling companions, even my outfit. The only thing that stays the same is my positive attitude and mindset. Oh and Pikachu, but I know it isn't his fault. He has stayed with me through thick and thin, ups and downs, wins and loses.

Maybe it's my mindset. Maybe I should stop trying to have fun and focus on my goals. It will help me achieve my goal more easily. But what would Serena think? No Ash. Don't think of her. This is about you. You only. You and your goal. I look down at Greninja, unconscious on the hospital bed. I don't blame you Greninja. I blame myself for being such a weak trainer. I should know better than that. I failed you. I promise you that it won't happen again. The door creaks open and I look up....

...... Calem.

Calem's POV:

"I'm sorry about your loss. And Greninja, I really am, but I did tell you that you wouldn't make it. There's something missing in the way you-"

Ash *clenches his fist and mutters darkly*: "I didn't ask for your help. Did I?"

I gulp. He doesn't exactly seem to be in the best of moods, but maybe that's what I need to break his denseness. Here goes. I hope Ash won't be too mad. I don't mean to hurt his feelings but I need to act properly, whatever happens: I'm sorry in advance Ash.

"Sorry. Anyway I came to ask something. You shave known Serena for years so I thought you would be the best person for this. I was wondering how you think I should confess to her. Would she like it to be private? In public? Does she want a gift? Some flowers maybe?-"

Ash: "C-confess? Confess what?"

"My love for her of course."

Ash stares at me in shock but hangs his head and mutters quietly.

Ash: "You l-love her?"

"Why of course. She is absolutely stunning, she has a wonderful voice and honey-blonde hair and deep cerulean eyes."

Ash: *Quietly* "Stop."

"She's kind and caring towards everyone around her. She's also talented and smart-"

Ash: "Stop."

"Pardon? I didn't hear you."

Ash: "I said: Stop!!"

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