"Thank you so much Audino!"

Audino: "Audino!"

Calem: "Yeah, thanks!"

We sit down on a bench in front of a fire and start talking.

Calem: "So... how have you been? After you left Vandaville Town without even bothering to run past you best friends house to say goodbye!?"

"Umm... Sorry about Calem. But I have a good reason."

Calem: "You better have. I was quite upset when you left like that. Did I not cross you mind at all?"

"Sorry, Calem. I am really sorry. But, you know the boy I talked about that I met at Professor Oak's camp in Kanto?"

Calem: "Oh, the boy you wouldn't stop rambling on and on about? The one you had millions of pictures to show me, millions of times over? The one you told me saved you? The one who gave you that flipping handkerchief so you threw a tantrum every time it got so much as a dot of mud? The one you told me over and over again that you wanted to find because you love him so much?"

He swirls his straw round his cup of hot chocolate, his eyebrows raised. Okay, maybe I did talk about him a bit. Okay, okay a lot. I didn't show Calem pictures of Me and Ash when we were little, millions of times over. Okay, maybe a hundred but not a million....... I don't think..... At least. Wow. Thinking back on it, no wonder Calem was my only friend in Vandaville Town. He was the only person who could listen to me for hours and not run away screaming.

Calem: *Sarcastically* "Only vaguely. I only have faded memories about you telling me about him. Why?"

I chuckle nervously. "Well, actually I saw him on TV. He was on Lumious City and-"

Calem: "Jumped off the tower like an Idiot? Yah, I saw that one. Honestly it's scary how much people can be idiotic sometimes. I'm telling you my mum screamed like a Banshee when she saw it. She rambled on and on about how is family must be feeling and about how someone can be raised like that. For. Two. Whole. Hours!! Honestly, I think it was dumb, but Two Hours!?"

"He is not an Idiot! He cares for his Pokémon."

Calem: "Yeah, yeah. Sure. So that was him? They guy you're so madly in love with."


We sit uncomfortably in silence before I remeber my favor that I thought of on the way here. I break the silence.

"Well, I was hoping that I could ask you something?"

Calem: "You just did."

"You know what I mean. So can I?"

Calem: "You did. Again."


Calem: "Okay, okay. What is it?"

"Well... I really love him. He has a great sense of humor, he is always up to try something new, he puts others needs before his own (mainly if it involves Pokémon) he is caring and handsome but really, really, really dense. So I was wondering if-"

Calem: "You want me to make him jealous so he will no longer be jealous?"

"Um... well, yeah. How did you know?"

Calem: "Oh believe me honey, I've known you for a long time. And I'll do it-"

"Really? Yay! Thanks Calem!"

Calem: "I wasn't finished. Only if I won't hear another word about him. For 2 years. Your stories drive me insane!"


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