I hustled out of the venue, the air tinged with the lingering excitement of the performance. The night sky was a tapestry of stars, the city lights casting a warm glow as I sped toward the airport. The weight of the sudden changes, the show rescheduling, and the immediate travel to Brazil loomed in the back of my mind.

The drive to the airport was a whirlwind. Thoughts whirred through my head—double-checking the flight details, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything essential, and mentally preparing for the next leg of the tour. My mind was a mixture of post-performance adrenaline and the organized chaos of being on the move.

Arriving at the airport, the sense of urgency hung heavy in the air. I navigated the bustling terminal, each step propelling me closer to the boarding gate. The adrenaline from the show had begun to ebb away, replaced by a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead in Brazil. The abrupt change in plans meant I had to quickly adjust, mentally switching gears to focus on the upcoming show there.

Even amid the rush, I took a moment to breathe. The airport was a symphony of voices, the hurried steps of travelers, and the distant announcements over the PA system. I found a brief moment of solitude, grounding myself before the next phase of the journey. I checked and rechecked my travel essentials, ensuring everything was in place.

As I finally boarded the plane to Brazil, I settled into my seat, the hum of the aircraft and the gentle movements a familiar lullaby. With the seatbelt secured, I closed my eyes for a moment, allowing the blend of exhaustion and excitement to wash over me.

The moment the wheels touched down on Brazilian soil, my phone buzzed with a text from Travis. His message, simple yet endearing, brought a soft blush to my cheeks.

"Good morning, my beautiful princess."

I couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling the miles between us suddenly shrink. My fingers quickly danced over the screen in response.

"Miss you so much, wish you were here <3 <3"

His prompt reply came, and I felt a pang of longing mixed with warmth as I read his words.

"Miss you too, beautiful."

Another message followed almost immediately, switching gears to a more logistical aspect.

"We're filming the podcast later today, how much can I say?"

The genuine consideration in his question made my heart swell. It was a testament to the respect he had for our relationship, the care he took to not overstep any boundaries, to respect our privacy. It wasn't just a casual query; it was an acknowledgment of the importance of our bond and a genuine effort to ensure we were both comfortable with what was shared.

His thoughtful approach was a constant reminder of why I cherished our relationship so deeply. He didn't assume; he asked, and that small act of consideration meant the world to me. It made me feel valued and respected, not just as an artist but as someone with personal boundaries and feelings.

I took a moment to compose a thoughtful reply, knowing that our communication was key to navigating the public sphere of our relationship.

"Let's discuss it later. Want to make sure we're both on the same page before anything's shared. Love you."

"Okay love, call me when you get to your hotel."

His words were a reassuring anchor amidst the whirlwind of travel and performance schedules. I gazed out the window, watching the city's bustling streets blur by, thoughts drifting back to Travis's message.

Entering my hotel room felt like stepping into a cozy sanctuary. As the door clicked shut behind me, I found myself drawn to Travis's message, urging me to call him. With a smile, I reached for my phone, my fingers gliding over the screen to dial his number.

The anticipation built with each ring, until finally, his familiar face lit up the screen. "Hey babe," I greeted him, my heart fluttering at the sight of his warm smile.

"Hey, you look so beautiful," he complimented, his voice sincere and gentle. I couldn't help but laugh, glancing down at myself—clad in one of his oversized hoodies, no makeup, and my hair in a carefree ponytail.

"I'm not joking, you look so stunning," he insisted, his eyes filled with an earnest admiration that made my heart flutter. I smiled, feeling a deep blush creeping across my cheeks at his unwavering sweetness.

"No, then baby, I do need to know what I am allowed to say," he interjected, steering the conversation back to our agreement about sharing aspects of our relationship.

"I would just be careful, maybe just make it clear this is not a public relationship but we are not a secret, if that makes sense," I responded, carefully considering my words, wanting to strike a balance between privacy and acknowledgment.

"Sounds good, anything else?" he inquired, his concern for my comfort evident in his voice.

"Just make sure to send it to Tree before it comes out," I added, ensuring that our communication was transparent and aligned with our mutual understanding.

The conversation flowed smoothly, a comforting reminder of the connection we shared, even when miles apart.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now