🔞⚠️Part = 54⚠️🔞

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At Mr & Mrs
Kim's Mansion.
A rough slap crashed on jungkook's face made him to stumbled on his place. He clenched his jaw before turning his face again towards Mr kim, who standing in front of him while boiling in anger.

Beside him.. Mrs kim was standing, who looking at him with so much disappointment. Not only Mr and Mrs kim... but Liza, jimin and all bangtan was present there.

Liza: J-Jungkook....

His eyes softened when Liza called him. He sniff and look at her with his soft and glossy eyes.
Liza walk took her steps forwards and stood in front of him. Jungkook immediately dropped his gaze when he couldn't able to look in her eyes.

Liza: When... yo-you aren't abling to look in my eyes then how will you look in y/n's eyes when she'll question to you???

Jungkook's eyes widened and shook his head immediately before kneeling in front if her.

Jungkook: No... N-Nooo noona please.. pl-please, don't tell anything to y/n noona. She'll be broken once again.

Liza: I-If you have care for her... th-then you should think about her before doing something to her sister.

Jungkook: N-Noona.. believe me, I didnt--



Jimin: Jungkook.. don't you dare to raised your voice on her when you're the one, who's wrong here!!

Jungkook: hyung.. please, atleast you try to understand me nah..!

Hoseok: I just can't think anything now. You did very bad to that kid.

Namjoon: We're so much disappointed from you and by this action of yours.

Jin: Liza is right. What you'll say to her parents and y/n?? Huh??

All look at him with so much disappointment before going away from there leaving a heartbroken jungkook there. Tears rolled down to his cheeks, as he looked at everyone leaving.

Jungkook: I-I..... I swear... I didn't do anything, then wh-why I got blame of everything...????

Yoongi: Well..... it's called karma. You were the only one, who blamed taehyung for everything when he did nothing, now same is going with you. Karma is a bitch man. You'll receive whatever you've given!

Boiling in anger, Taehyung barged inside the factory being furious af. With Mr han following him with Taehan walking beside him. All bodyguards have spread everywhere and finding y/n in each corner of every side.

Taehyung: MOVE... MOVE QUICKLY!!!

He yelled at everyone before taking his big steps towards the stairs which leading him to the frozen area. Reaching at the 'Frozen Area' of the factory, which located on first floor of the factory. Also known as the last process of making ice cream.

Taehyung start checking every freezer room which were locked from outside. Growling angrily, he shout han's name. And han reached on the floor with taehan on his shoulders and bodyguards behind him.

Taehan: what'sh wrong Dada!!???

Mr Han: sir.. what's wrong???


Mr han nod his head and gesture all bodyguards to open every freezer room. And in a seconds.. all bodyguards start shooting bullets on the iron doors of the freezers. Taehan covered his ears with his small hands due to extreme high sound of bullets banging on that thick metal.

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