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"Your reference for this transfer said that you'd been schooled privately by an ex-lawyer and were amazing at summarizing a narrative that presented your position. Right now, I can believe that reference and yet you demonstrated none of this professionalism with Mr Hunter. Why you?"

Lacey's previous boss often told her that her mastery of words was her strength, to which she'd credited Ashley's Mom who'd homeschooled them both. Pity her cognitive function fizzled under Jamie's intense gaze. Lacey expected to hear the words 'You're fired' or 'How dare you?' so the question caught her off guard. "Excuse me?"

"Why did they choose to work with you? I mean they have no real reason to approach you. You don't seem particularly apologetic despite having offended one of the most prominent men in New York. And I don't think that's through naivete. So, I ask again, what's your connection to them?"

Mrs Speary was a shrewd woman and Lacey was a terrible liar, so she settled for a half-truth. "Clara Langston is my children's godmother."

She tried not to squirm under the intense gaze and was relieved when she let it go. "Your connection to Ms Langston may have got you the job, but I won't hesitate to present Cassandra as your replacement. She has experience handling difficult clients without resorting to tantrums. Now for the investigation. Were you verbally, physically, or sexually assaulted by Mr Hunter."

Lacey shook her head.

"Did he threaten to physically, or sexually assault you?"

Lacey shook her head again.

"Did he say something offensive?"

How was she supposed to answer that? She frowned at the direction of this 'investigation'.

"So, he hurt your feelings?" she continued to fill the silence.

"That's reductionist and unnecessary."

"Well then maybe if you tell me what he said that was so offensive we could hear you screaming at him from across the office, then I would be better informed to make a decision?"

Lacey wanted to glare at the raised brow of the woman who had trapped her, especially as she was still coming to terms with the fact she had yelled at Jamie in her workplace and was left feeling every bit the 23-year-old fool she was being made out to be.

"From your silence, I declare the investigation complete and the written warning sufficient punishment. However, if Mr Hunter chooses to lay a complaint against you, and I would be surprised if he doesn't, you will likely be fired to appease his wrath. This agency will not support you when you were found to be in the wrong."

Lacey's hands balled into fists by her sides. Her small frame was vibrating more than it had when she had argued with Jamie less than an hour earlier. She would quit if it was just her, but Karen had also upended her life to move with her and she couldn't let her down.

"Oh, and Lacey, I can't have you working on this alone. What's your timeline?"

"They are making a joint statement at the Hunter's upcoming gala. But as you can imagine it's a very personal matter so I doubt they will allow another person to assist."

"It is literally your job to persuade and influence people to believe you or the messaging you push. If you can't convince them to allow a second consultant to assist, then maybe you are in the wrong job."

"Do I get a say in who I work with?"

"You know my preference. She already has experience working with Mr Hunter and may be able to smooth over any feathers you have ruffled."

There was no way Jamie and Clara would agree to work with Cassandra. Jamie already had daggers aimed at the woman from her stunt this morning, so she chose to put her persuasive skills to work.

"That familiarity may work against Cassandra. This is a personal matter after all, and I know Mr Hunter doesn't want to blur any lines between this and his work persona. I don't have much knowledge of the other consultants here, but Samantha left a positive impression."

Those shrewd eyes narrowed on her again and she kept a carefully crafted curiosity in her eyes that had Mrs Speary sitting back in exasperation.

"Fine. Sam, it is."

Lacey found her way back to her office where Karen and Clara waiting for her. She sipped on the peace offering of a matcha green tea from Karen before she even acknowledged them.

"Where did you two go?" she asked feeling somewhat grateful for their absence as they were the only two who hadn't heard her yelling at Jamie.

Karen gave an exaggerated 'Ugh'.

"Watching Cassandra try to flirt with Ben made me want to scratch out my eyeballs."

Lacey snickered. Clara always had a flair for the dramatics. It was a wonder she didn't enter Hollywood. Gods knows she had the looks for it.

"How did your talk with Jamie go?"

"Your ex-fiancé is an ass," she declared without offering more. "What's the plan for discussing your 'separation'?"

"Jameson and I will be back tomorrow to present the plan we have. Your job will be to refine it for us. Can we talk about Ashley now?"

"How about I come over tonight?" Lacey asked with a too-bright smile that had both pairs of eyes narrowing on her.

"Are you avoiding going home?"

Selfish DesiresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang