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"Excuse me?" Jamie asked.

She narrowed her eyes at Jamie. Did she imagine the hint of panic in his eyes? "I just want to know what my place is in your life so I can act the part confidently." She refused to get swept up in the feelings that swamped her heart and pumped through her veins whenever she thought of him.

"The contract isn't a script. Act the part of my girlfriend and the mother of my children."

The tenderness in his eyes had her knees weakening again. He moved closer to her until he was standing over her, his head dipped so he could whisper for her ears only, "There's a section in the contract that covers my expectations in the bedroom that I've held back from, so trust me when I say that I am just as eager for you to read it and understand." Then he stepped back and continued louder for Ben's sake. "But until Ben has an opportunity to notarize it and make copies, we will both have to wait patiently."

She stared at him, not realizing her mouth had fallen open until he brushed his fingers under her chin.

"Your mouth is giving me ideas, kitten, unless..." he said leaving the sentence hanging.

"Incorrigible," she announced.

"Insufferable," Ben groaned aloud.

Jamie's eyes remained fixed on hers when he responded to Ben. "No one asked you to tag along."

Ben scoffed. "As if I could leave you without a chaperone."

Jamie continued to ignore Ben, but she became wary when his eyes lit up, and he stalked towards her.

"Did they ask you about me?" he asked.

Lacey focused on her heels as if they were suddenly interesting. She couldn't lie, but she was equally unwilling to respond. Her silence was answer enough for him and she could tell he was enjoying himself.

"What did they ask you?"

Lacey huffed out a grumpy breath. "They wanted to know if I ran into you at Marta's." Jamie's smile was almost blinding her as she knew he must have been thinking of the moment they met again and her...reaction. She felt the adrenaline rise to her cheeks as she lost control of her thoughts that had love and lust surging through her veins and drowning in sensation.

"Ben, get out," Jamie growled.

"Uh oh." Lacey immediately sought to put distance between them, first with her outstretched hand, and once her legs were working, with her oversized desk. "That is not happening. You stay there," she directed with a firm voice and pointed finger even as her betraying mind tortured her with images of Jamie pleasuring her in his office.

Jamie's lips twitched as did Ben's.

"You look like a little girl playing dress up in her daddy's office," Ben commented with laughter dancing in his eyes.

Lacey gave him her stern mother's look despite feeling the same way. "Cut it out, Ben."

"What happened when you first met?" Ben asked, changing the subject.

"There are some things you can't share with your woman's big brother," Jamie said as mock indignation gave way to a smug smile again. "Right, kitten?"

She chose to ignore the exchange and worked to calm her thoughts. She settled into her chair with a thump, uncaring of how unladylike she looked doing so. She was suddenly appreciative of the giant, heavy wooden desk that rested between them like her own personal guard. "Good bear," she said while caressing the wood. Maybe she wouldn't get Karen to replace the desk.

Jamie was still standing on the other side of her desk with his hands in his pockets and a big, goofy grin on his handsome face. She was used to seeing him with his hair out at home, but he'd always tied it back before he left for work each morning. She liked seeing Jamie outside of their home. It felt different to her because, in their last life, he hadn't met her anywhere aside from that first day before they'd become husband and wife. And looking back, he'd worn a hat and sunglasses, to disguise his true identity.

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