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    Min-ha was laying behind the school in the spiked green grass. The grass was stabbing through her clothing and poking her delicate skin. She was heaving, looking for the painful breath as she was trying to breathe through her nose. The left side of her face was flattened on the ground as she was coming back to her consciousness.

    She was breathing hard as she was coming back to reality. Her chest cavity was aching as sh sprawled out her arms from under her. The world was turned sideways with the school building a bit away, the night starred and sphered sky on one side and the spikes of green grass from eye level on the other. There was an illumination of a royal purple coming from the area over her head, which caught her attnetion quickly. She wondered why her entire body was aching and crying out as she was coming back to reality of the world around her.

    Only a few feet before her eyes, a pair of silver rimmed glasses were thrown out from the royal purple rays and hit the grass before her face. She hitched her breath, staring at the glasses and seeing the small splatter of a red hinted liquid. She realized the glasses were the angled one that resembled the same exact ones from her previous dreams.

    She twisted her head to the source of the purple rays, but was blinded. It seemed as if there was a flashlight faced straight towards her eyes, but the intense light caused her face to scrunch up and whip away from the hostile light.

    The moment she pulled away, she awoke back in bed. She responded differently than she would from her others. She didn't even really awake laying down, but sitting up in a cold sweat. Her sides were heaving, her eyes were wide and staring ahead at the widnow with white lace curtains across the room. It took her a secoind to get her eyes adjusted to the pink room and grasp where she was.

    She was home. In her room. With Zuzu. In bed. It was a dream. Another one of those dreams.

    She swiped a few hair strands away from her face as she sighed with ease. Her throat was painfully dry, so she reached over to her nightstand and grabbed a hello kitty plastic cup filled with water. As she sipped the water, she pet Zuzu, who was rudely awaken from being flipped over in the teddy bear printed blanket. She was groggy and flopped her head back onto Min-ha.

    Min-ha glanced over at the time and saw she had an hour before the time usually set for her alarm clock. She sighed through her nose again, aggravated at how nervous she was. Her eyes caught the abnormal suitcase and backpack sitting on the pink chair. She kind of smiled to herself as she saw the pink pig from her childhood her mom set on top of the luggage. She doubted anyone else had their childhood stuffed animal packed with their actually essential items. Not a pink pig.

    She flopped back down on her pillow and grabbed her phone. No texts.

    She decided to scroll mindlessly through her phone for a bit and watch her favorite show to pass time and take advantage of her screen time. She knew she wouldn't get to have her phone a lot more now. Her phone certainly didn't mean getting to read webtoon, watch show and movies, or playing games.

    Before she knew it, she was getting ready for school and eating a small breakfast. Time was flying with the anticipation of her new school life. She was happy that Tae-man agreed to walk with her today and help her with bags. He always complained about getting ready too early and getting to school early was 'a Min-ha thing.' Now, they probably wouldn't be having this issue.

    "I love you so much, Min-min." Her mom said with tears in her eyes, while she was cupping Min-ha's plump cheeks. Min-ha gave her a closed smile with teary red eyes. She nodded her head, trying not to say anything that would cause her to ruin her make up.

    "I love you too—" She was cut off with a jolt of her body. She was punched in the shoulder from the one and only, Tae-man. He was grinning ear to ear with a backpack on both his chest and his back. Min-ha whipped around gviing him a disgusted, glassy glare at him ruining the moment.

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