Chapter 4

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Song of the day: Diamonds aren't forever by Bring Me the Horizon.

Dakota POV

The agents sat me down and started asking me questions. "Did anyone compliment her hair or open the door?" Agent Prentiss asked me. "No. None did that." I answered truthfully. Then my 'father' chimes in, "like she would know. She probably was playing with her phone or not even paying attention." He scoffed. I shot up and bowed myself out , "No I was paying attention!" I yelled. He gave me this look that deflated all my confidence against him.
"Obviously not." My 'father' said. Then my mother started in with wanting pity, "I went to go get his birthday present and now I wish we didn't even leave the house." She said trying to get pity. Then, once again my 'father' chimed in again," check a book store she might be in there or playing dress up in a store."

These two other Agents whom I wasn't acquainted to, came up and asked my parents if they could question me alone considering I was the last who saw her. They both scoffed but accepted, but out of the corner of my eye I saw my 'father' give me this 'you tell them or hint and you're dead' look. Both of the Agents gestured for me to follow them. I walked well limped behind them, clutching my hip knowing not to look men in the eye or walk in front of them. I was told it was a sign of disrespect, that I'm not good enough to meet their gaze or walk in front. We arrived to this room, quiet and away from the chaos. I flicked my eyes up to see the skinny Agent gesture for me to sit down. I winced when I sat down and looked at my chipping black nails.
"Hello Dakota, I'm Dr. Reid and this is Agent Morgan." He gestured to himself and the other man. Dr. Reid sat down while Agent Morgan stood. I got really nervous because he was flexing his muscles, scaring me. I started shaking and my breaths got shaky and uneven.
"Dakota, we asked your parents to ask the questio-" I interrupted him, " They think it's my fault. That's why." I said not looking up.
"No, they're just emotional right now. Everyone is at these times." He said soothingly. Agent Morgan knelt down and said "Hey, do you think you could look at him?" He said very nicely. I hesitantly looked up at Dr. Reid. I bet I looked horrid, my busted lip and bruises. Thank god, I brought my jacket to cover the bruises on my arms and shoulders. I can imagine he already knows what goes on, for Gods sake he's a profiler. He looked at my face, taking it all in. I subconsciously pull my jacket tighter to myself.
"Oh. How did you get that?" He said gesturing to my bruises and lip.
"I-I got in a f-fight at school." I said trying to be believable but my stuttering forsaking me. He didn't seem to buy it. He looked towards the Agent still crouched by me. He just continued with the questions about Lily. I repeated the story over like I have been for the past couple hours. "- then she was just gone. " I held my face in my hands but as soon as I bent over to lean on my hands my bruises on my torso hit me with a wave of pain. I sucked in a breath and sat up and leant back and secured my arms across my torso in an 'x' formation. I subconsciously messed with my lip rings. I looked at my shoes and then saw Agent Morgan get up and walk to Dr. Reid. He told him something. I couldn't hear what he said. I tried to take a deep breath to calm my nerves but I only succeed in bringing myself more pain. I sucked in a breath through my teeth trying not to cry or whimper. I gripped my side and tried to not cry. I heard someone walk to my side.

"Dakota, baby girl what's wrong?" Agent Morgan asked me soothingly. I couldn't speak I just shook my head. I got up quickly, too quickly and I doubled over in pain. "Ah!" I yelled as my knees buckled and I hit the ground. In a second both of them were at my sides.

"Dakota. Talk to me what's wrong?" Dr. Reid asked. I shook my head and clutched my torso and started crying. Agent Morgan got up and said something into his earpiece. I shakily said "I-i can't tell you." Then I mustered all my strength and ran for the door.

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