Chapter 1

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Howling 1

On a warm morning night, a young boy yawned; he was starting his day. From the clothes he wears, he looks like a farmer. The sun begins to rise, and the boy stares into the distance; he sees the tip of a mountain range. The sun comes over the horizon and blinds the child; he covers his eyes and then looks up at the dawn sky.

A man calls him; he tells him to get to work. The older man and several others were beginning their day wearing worn-out clothes. The boy ran towards them, and they walked to a field. They were all farmers; the boy in his little world didn't know how vast the world was.

The sun rises on a planet; it resembles the Earth from the stars. This planet has blue oceans and green pastures. The sky was blue, and clouds slowly drifted by in some areas. This was another world thriving with life. It was a magical world.

In the middle of the planet sits a vast piece of land. The size could rival The Americas. Many species and races live on this continent. The people call this home Lilith; chains of islands surround it. Other masses of land are unknown. The planet has a unique effect known worldwide as Mana, an energy that allows them to use magic.

Aside from the normal humans living on the planet, it is a fantasy. Elves, Dwarfs, and Beast folk share their lives here; the world is also filled with animals and insects. All life can harness the energy it produces, but not all is as peaceful as it seems.

The world of Lilith is easy to understand; all races are born with magical abilities. It takes time to manifest, like most Isekai, usually at ten years of age. There are five major element affiliations: earth, fire, water, wind, and lightning. All elements can be learned with hard work, but a person has one affiliated element.

There are also some other cases, such as dark and light elements. These two attributes are said to be associated only with Elves. Legend said another race existed but has gone extinct: demons. They, too, were said to wield both light and darkness.

Over the years, there have been new revelations; other races were born able to wield the magic. It caused concern when it was discovered that it was overpowered; The individual became something special: a weapon. Other races know little about light and dark; the elves have kept their secrets.

The story begins in a kingdom on the east of the continent; this kingdom was close to the continent's edge. The Umbridge Kingdom is the nation of the human race. It is the most powerful human nation. On a hilltop stands a great brick castle; it resembles mid-evil castles. The castle overlooks the city and ocean; human ancestors built it long ago.

In the town below, people were waking up; the town looked peaceful, and the streets were clean. The city resembles an old European village or town. As the day started, human citizens opened shops and set up stands. The streets were slowly coming to life.

The townspeople greeted each other; other races were also walking the streets. Some people wore European clothes, and some wore armor and carried weapons. A group wearing uniforms in light leather armor walked the streets; they were soldiers for the kingdom. It was becoming busier as more people woke up.

It was a lovely warm morning in the Umbridge Kingdom in late summer of 834. A luxurious wooden bed was in a large room in the castle; bed sheets covered someone underneath. Some knocks on the door; they call out, "My Queen, I'm coming in."

An elderly woman wearing a Victorian maid outfit walked in; she looked at the silhouette on the bed, "Wake up, my Queen; it's morning. You need to get up." The maid walks over to the widows and opens the drapes; she repeats what she said. The maid hears moaning; she walks towards the bed.

The maid moves the sheets; a woman with burgundy hair and a nightgown gets cold and looks for the covers. The maid again tries to wake her, "My Queen, it's morning." "MUM, Sara, please, let me sleep for a little longer." The maid said she was going to be late.

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