
I wasn't too pleased to be separated from my Jimin but he told me it was okay as he put his arms around my neck and kissed me passionately just before slapping my ass into the direction of my room.


"I'll get you for that, Park Jimin," I grinned as I pulled him back into my arms.


"I can't wait..." He replied with such a sexy voice...


"Oh fuck... baby. I want you," I begged but he wasn't going to comply this time.


"Hmm... I want you too but Aunt Roo needs us more."


I couldn't argue there and so I gave in and allowed myself to be pushed into a room with Al and an already snoring Dae.


"Hmm... Can't get enough of him, can't you?" Al chuckled under his breath.


"Oh shut up," I retorted playfully and went to the sofa area to make myself comfortable.


Dae was asleep on the main bed, Al laid on the floor at the side of the bed while I was in the living room lying on the rather uncomfortable sofa. Looks like the hotel owners purposely put it there so you would rent a portable bed from their stocks. Yet again, we decided to live like normal people. Sigh... I was kinda hoping that Hannah or even Jimin's dad might've put us into a Hilton suite or something... Sigh.


Just as I was thinking why we decided to stay in this dump, I heard my phone beep. I took it up and saw a message from Jimin. I couldn't help but smile. He was missing me already.


JM: Stop grousing about the hotel room. I could feel your aura from here.


JK: Oh really. If you come over you could check to see if you're right... lol


JM: Nice try, lover boy. But I don't think Dae or Al would like that.


JK: Who cares what they think? I want you and you should come over and take care of me...


JM: (lol emoji) Oh REALLY?


JK: (oh boy, I'm gonna get it) Really...


JM: So I should just forget everyone else and just come to you?


JK: Yeah. Why not? So... Are you coming over or what?




JK: (I felt the tornado from his voice blowing me away) ALRIGHT.... Alright. I'll behave myself... for now.


JM: You're incorrigible...


JK: I'm incorrigibly in love with you because that will never ever change. I love you, Park Jimin.


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