✰ 30: trust me, i know.

Start from the beginning

"Technically, she doesn't know I'm here."

Anakin rolled his eyes.  "Well, she'll be happy to see you anyway.  But the real problem at hand, Akya.  How are we going to tell her? I mean, do we just come right out and say it?"

"Why don't you just let me do the talking?" She took another bite of her food. 

"What are you going to do, write a speech?"

"No," she said.  "But you'll probably run circles around the point for ages before she actually understands what you're telling her."

"Hey, I—" Anakin lifted a finger to say something, but put his hand down once he realized she was right.  "Alright, that's fair."

Akya laughed again.  "I love you, you know that?"

Anakin smiled, then reached his gloved hand across the table.  "Trust me," he said, as Akya joined her hand with his, "I know."

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"I told you one day I'd take you here."

"Anakin, this place is more than what I ever could have hoped."

She cuddled closer to him on the lounge and put her head on his chest. He patted her hair and let her rest there as she listened to his soft heartbeat, filling the sweet silence of their romantic moment.  She knew she had things to do very soon, that dusk was approaching on Coruscant and she would have places to be, too. But stress meant nothing when they were together.

"Okay," she said with a sigh, lifting her head. "I should get to the market, or Padmé isnt going to have anything to eat."  She stood up and Anakin followed, a look of longing on his face.

"Wait," he told her, placing his arms around Akya and bringing her close. One kiss couldn't affect the timeline, she thought. She indulged him and brought their lips together. She smiled into it, now knowing they would indeed be in love for the rest of their lives. Nothing could separate them.

"I knew it!"

Anakin and Akya gasped, pulling apart suddenly and wiping their lips of the other's aura to find Padmé Amidala standing in the arched doorway leading into the common room they were standing in. They looked at her, wide eyed, then glanced at each other, a very afraid look on their faces. Padmé was just smiling.

"I— um—" Anakin was at a loss for words. "What are you doing here so, um, early, senator?"

"Early?" she questioned. "I told you 11."

Akya scrunched her brows and stared at Anakin, implicitly asking, What?

He looked back at her and shrugged, raising his brows as if to say, I didn't know. I swear.

"How long has this been going on?" she said, pointing from Akya to Anakin.

"Um..." Akya and Anakin glanced at each other. Akya looked down at the floor before speaking again. "About a year and a half."

"So right about the time you became a Jedi Knight." The senator pointed at Anakin.


Padmé laughed. "I knew it," she said happily. "You know, I had a suspicion for a while, but I wasn't sure until a little while ago."

"How did you know?" Akya asked.

"When a nineteen-year-old boy talks about a girl like that, you know he wants to be more than friends. That entire time he was with me, all he talked about was you.  It was entertaining, how much he cared for you. I tried to give him as much advice as I could. Apparently, it worked." She gestured to the two of them. Akya looked at Anakin and smiled. He was looking at the floor, his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"But when were you sure?" Akya continued.

"After a senate meeting, I saw you two in the halls. The place was crowded, just crawling with Senators and Jedi, so no one would have noticed you two... but I did. You two were holding hands, just smiling at each other. That's when I knew."

Akya and Anakin looked at each other and smiled.  "Holding hands in the senate building?" he said.

"We probably didn't even realize," Akya pointed out. "Sounds like us being careless."

"You two are perfect," Padmé said.

"You won't tell anyone, right?" said Anakin, the worried tone coming back into his voice.

Padmé raised her brows. "Are you kidding? Of course not. I realize the trouble your relationship would get you into."

"Thank you, Padmé."

"Anytime, Akya.  And if anything ever happens, you have a safe haven here."

Akya and Anakin smiled at her. 

"Now come here," she said, holding out her hands.  "It's so good to see you both."  Akya and Anakin both walked over, each giving their friend a hug.  Padmé had been, undeniably, their largest supporter, and it was only right for them to be so close with her.  Akya was very thankful for what she did for them.


GUYS!!!! shout out to padme amidala for being the best ever. this is a fun chapter, and i cant wait for the rest of the Naboo chapters.  So fun.  What a thrill.  sodjdnskjfdns so exciting!!!

i finished another chapter so you guys get one too.  i hope you like it!!

don't forget to vote ♡


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