Her Childhood Home in a Dark Place

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" Where... Where am I?" Sammy looked around her surroundings while she was rubbing her forehead. 

" Oh, it is this corner..." She found herself standing behind a yellow polka-dotted wall corner and she shuddered by the sight of her being there. 


This was immediately replaced with a sigh of relief. 

" This used to be the place where my Father used his belt on me! Good times, " Then, she gently glided her fingers on the corner, oddly comforted, despite the real reason why she was always in that corner of the living room. 

" Wait a minute-- This white doorway... These yellow walls... That room where my Father used to drink his black coffee and read his newspaper..." Her pupils began to dilate as she looked around the room, her hands began to sweat. 

" No- It can't be--" 

Then, there was a knock on the door.

 " Papa! Papa! I'm home! Please open this door! " A child's voice was happily calling him from the front door of their house. 

" Oh shit! I better hide here!" She immediately hid behind the big brown couch which was the nearest to the corner on where she was standing, and focused on watching and waiting for the small child to enter. 

" Oh-!" The little girl was able to push the door open. 

" It seems like the door is open again! Silly Father! " The child giggled to herself. 

" Papa! I'm home!" The child who just went inside the room, had pigtails and was wearing her school uniform of a white shirt and a blue skirt with a height of exactly four feet. Then, the kid smiled widely as the ran towards her parent who was immediately seen from the next room, as there were no doors separating the living room and the dining room. 

" I could see that..." Her Father responded to her, without looking at her, as he was too busy with reading the newspaper on black dining chair. 

" Papa! My school grades have arrived! I have done a good job on all of my subjects!" Little Sammy showed him with a cheerful spirit. 

" Oh?" Her father's interest peaked, putting down the newspaper and casting it aside on the table beside his coffee. 

" May I see? " He  put his hand in front of her.

" Sure!" She willingly, and in fact, excitingly gave her report card to him.

" I am excited to what my little girl have produced during the second quarter! " He said with a dashing beam on his face. 

But as he got the report of her academic performance, reading every grade that her daughter had worked hard for, his smile began to disappear. 

And then... 

He shouted in anger: 

" I forgave you for doing horribly in the first quarter with all of your grades, ranging from 85 to 89! But still the same grades in the second quarter?! Do you have no shame towards me and your mother? " 

"... But Father... I--" 

" Don't you dare talk to me like that! If you do not improve on your grades, you know what will happen if I put you at that corner in the living room! " He threw the card towards the little Sammy's face, and left the room, leaving the Little Sammy, crying alone in the dining room about to pick up her academic record card that had fallen on the floor, after the card was thrown to her face. 

And the current Sammy watching from the living room, wanting to help her pick it up. 

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