decorating christmas cookies!

Start from the beginning

*Addelyn, Wiley, Weston, Lainey and Toby's outfits*

"That's right, they'd make a big mess and go everywhere!" PK nods.

Toby is in his swinging chair, awake but just barely.

John mixes some blue frosting and waits for his dads to talk.

"Okay, y'all, now that everyone has clean hands and hair tied back, let's decorate!" PK puts Lainey on his lap and the older kids cheer.

Lainey immediately tries to eat a cookie when she sees one in front of her.

"No no! We aren't eating the cookies yet! We gotta decorate them first." PK says as he giggles at Lainey.

"Look, I'll get some cookies from the snack cabinet so we can have a snack and decorate." Mike compromises so the one year old doesn't cry.

"You are such a softy!" PK says playfully to his husband.

"Look, Lainey! Here's some cookies!" Mike says coking over with a plate of chocolates chip cookies.

"YAY!" Lainey says as her face lights up.

"All of y'all can have some! Just don't drop them please, the dogs can't eat chocolate." Mike says to the kids.

Each of the kids grabs a cookie to munch on before they start decorating their cookies.

"What kind of cookie do you have, Wi?" PK asks Wiley.

"A gingerbwread person!" Wiley says as he puts icing on his cookie.

"How neat! I love the color you're using, you know red is my favorite color." PK says to Wiley.

"Me too!" Wiley says as he attempts to put icing as hair on his cookie.

"I thought it was green?" Mike asks Wiley playfully.

"Dat too!" Wiley says as he giggles.

"I made a scarf for my gingerbread person! I made them a girl like me!" Paisley explains to PK and Mike. 

"Wow, Paisley, that's really cool!" Mike nods and shows Weston how to put icing on.

"Mine just a person! Not a boy o' a girl!" Ensley says happily, putting sprinkles all over her cookie.

"That's very nice, Ensley! They look so pretty!" PK smiles.

"Blue and red make purple!" Weston realizes as he puts both colors on.

"They do make purple when you mix them together! Good job!" Mike tells the little boy and decorates a star shaped cookie.

John is meticulously decorating a Christmas tree shaped cookie.

"I love how your cookie looks, John! It's very tidy and colorful." Blakelyn comments.

"Thanks! I'm going for some different colors! Like those silver or white trees so the ornaments stand out more!" John says with enthusiasm.

"Look, Lainey! Let's put some icing on. Do you want sprinkles too?" PK asks and shows the baby the options.

"Yeaahh!" Lainey tries to use her hands, but PK pulls them away gently, giving her a spoon instead.

"Use a spoon, honey pie. It's not too messy." PK tells Lainey and demonstrates. Then she copies him the best she can.

"I wanna help Toby make one!" Blakelyn says as she smiles at Toby who is now sitting on Mike's lap, fussy about where he was previous.

"You can help him! He's a little cranky since he won't take a nap." Mike says to Blakelyn.

"Toby, let's make a blue star!" Blakelyn says as she sits next to Mike so Toby can watch.

PK & Mike Oneshots 2 Where stories live. Discover now