more new neighbors!

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*PK and Mike have new next door neighbors so they all walk over to meet them! Please please please send suggestions! I really need some! 🥺 Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️

Today is a relaxing Friday at the Creedon-Van Reekum household!

PK and Mike are still off of work for the holidays while the kids are still on winter break from school!

PK, Mike and the kids all had a wonderful holiday season as a family and with their extended family as well! They all can't wait to start a brand new year off with a bang! 

During this week off, PK and Mike put all of their Christmas decorations away until next year and deep cleaned their home, which was very much needed!

PK then decorated the house with some winter themed decorations, which the kids really enjoy!

The Creedon-Van Reekum kids all love snow and want to go back to Virginia or Colorado to experience snow again sometime in the future!

PK loves to decorate the house during different seasons or holidays! So until Valentine's Day, the house will have snowman decorations!

Right now, Addelyn, Wiley, Weston, Ensley are all taking their afternoon naps while John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson are in the playroom, playing with all of their new toys they got for Christmas!

Right now, Addelyn, Wiley, Weston, Ensley are all taking their afternoon naps while John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson are in the playroom, playing with all of their new toys they got for Christmas!

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*John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley and Weston's outfits*

Beau and Poppy are both sleeping in their brand new dog beds that PK and Mike got for them for Christmas while PK and Mike are watching something on Netflix!

Grayson is playing with his new Hot Wheel Cars he got for Christmas while Blakelyn and Paisley are playing with their new Spirit horses they got for Christmas!

John is happily playing his Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2 game on his Nintendo Switch that he got for Christmas as he sits in his beanbag chair.

Blakelyn neighs like a horse as she holds her horse while Paisley brushes a Barbie's hair and puts her in a cowgirl outfit.

"Barbie wants to ride the horse, Blakey!" Paisley says as Blakelyn giggles loudly.

"Okay, Paisy! Yeehaw!" Blakelyn says as she smiles happily.

"Yeehaw! Yeehaw!" Paisley says with a loud giggle at Blakelyn.

Paisley puts the Barbie on the horse and rides her around. Blakelyn grabs another Barbie and brushes her hair.

"Yeeeehaw! Go horsey! Go horsey!" Paisley says with a cheeky grin.

Blakelyn smiles as she puts her Barbie on a horse and let's her ride around.

"Vroooooooooom! Vrooooooom! Vroooooooom!" Grayson says as he races his cars on his brand new race track.

"YES! Almost a perfect score!" John says, getting super excited about his game!

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