Return Of The Sister

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Morgana's heart swelled with happiness as she watched her sister interact with her children.

"Thank you, sweet sister."

Myrcella turned and gestured for a young man to step forward. "This is Prince Trystane, my betrothed."

Morgana held a hand out for him to shake, which he did. "Welcome Prince Trystane. I hope you enjoy your time here in the birthplace of your betrothed."

"I do as well."

Morgana noticed the second young woman, obviously Dornish from her olive complexion. "And who is this?"

"Lady Nymeria, daughter of..."

"The Red Viper himself," Morgana interjected. "You know, I hoped to meet you and your sisters. But, I didn't think it would be under these circumstances."

"Nor did I," the young woman stepped closer.

"How is he? Any improvement?"

"Some. He remains unconscious."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But I am glad to hear of his improvement."

"Thank you Princess."

"Please, call me Morgana."

She noticed Myrcella looking around. "Who are you looking for Cella?"

"Where is the Queen?"

Morgana turned to their mother. "Yes, mother. Where is Margaery?"

"Your brother's wife and her brother have committed crimes against the faith and are now being tried accordingly."

Morgana scoffed. "As will you."

Sensing the tension, Jaime spoke up. "I have fulfilled my obligation here in King's Landing. But, Bronn and I should really be going."

"Where are you going, Uncle?" Morgana asked.

"I have been asked to return to Riverrun to reclaim the castle from the Blackfish in honour of King Tommen."

This set off alarm beels in Morgana's mind.

With her brothers' plots to deal with the Tullys of Riverrun, she knew she had to act quickly.

She knew that her uncle, Jaime Lannister, was a skilled fighter, even with one hand, and a cunning strategist, but she also knew that the Freys were dead, and the Red Wedding had been a failure. If her uncle arrived at Riverrun, it would raise suspicions, as she had convinced everyone that the Red Wedding had been successful and that Robb and his mother, Catelyn, were dead.

Morgana's mind raced as she thought of a way to protect her uncle and her family's interests. She had secretly hidden Robb and Catelyn in Volantis, and she couldn't let Jaime discover their whereabouts.

She made a decision. She would escape in the night, taking her twin sons, Eddard and Robert, with her. She would make her way to Volantis, where she would join her husband and his mother, and together they would figure out what they would do next.

"It wasn't enough to murder members of their family at a wedding. Now, you mean to seize the castle that has rightfully belonged to their family for generations." She gritted her teeth. "If your father wasn't already dead, I would surely murder him right now."

It was Tommen who spoke next. "It was the High Sparrow's idea. He believes allowing the Tully's to remain in Riverrun would make me appear weak."

"It is their rightful home. If anything will make you look weak, it is attacking a family who your own family has already caused so much pain and suffering to. Do you wish to be another Joffrey?"

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