"Haven't you been here like, a thousand times?" Alyssa panted as they walked outside terminal 1.

"Yeah." Sofia huffed. "But not since May. And besides, most of the time when I've flown in it's been in the morning or afternoon when it's not pitch black, and I just follow my dad around."

It wasn't too difficult to get a taxi, since it was nearly midnight. The driver only spoke Catalan, which meant Sofia was the only one who could converse with him.

She was fluent in Spanish due to her dad teaching it to her as a young kid, but she only knew enough Catalan to hold up conversations, while Alyssa had very limited Spanish knowledge.

"¿On sou dos?"

"Anglaterra." Sofia answered. "England."

"¿Esteu de vacances?"

"Sí. Suposo que ho som."

"What?" Alyssa asked.

"He's asking if we're on holiday." Sofia replied absentmindedly.

"¿Teniu família aquí? O simplement per diversió?"

"El meu pare és d'aquí. He vingut aquí moltes vegades. La meva tieta i l'oncle viuen aquí, però." she explained.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just that my dad's from here. And my aunt and uncle live here."

"D'acord. ¿Tens pensat assistir a algun partit de futbol?"

"No." Sofia answered, while Alyssa replied with an enthusiastic "yes!" at the same time.

Sofia turned to stare at her best friend. "Oh, so you can understand that?"

"Sofia!" Alyssa groaned. "We can't go to Barcelona and not see any football games!"

"I've seen Barça play enough times." Sofia muttered under her breath.

"Well, haven't. I already have tickets for the game this weekend, you knew that."

"First, you drag me to another country. Then, you drag me to go watch football?"

"¡Aquí estem!" the taxi driver said loudly, interrupting their bickering.

Sofia pulled out her wallet to pay him with the euro notes her dad gave her for until they could exchange pounds, and then she and Alyssa stepped outside.

"It's freezing!" Alyssa said, gripping onto her suitcase handle as they headed inside the hotel lobby.

"Yeah, it's ten past midnight."

The man checking them in, a guy around Sofia's dad's age, could thankfully speak fluent English.

"What's the name under?" he asked in a heavy accent.

"It's under my name." Sofia answered. "Sofia Martinez."

"Ah, right, you're Daniel Martinez's daughter!" he exclaimed, and Sofia rolled her eyes. "Is he here?"

"Nope, just us, unfortunately." Sofia said. "This is my best friend. Alyssa."

"We went to school together." the man, Antonio (going by his name tag), told Sofia. "I'll have to give him a call later.

"Yep, you do that."

Alyssa stepped on Sofia's foot. "You're being rude." she muttered.

After a few minutes, they received their room key cards and headed to the elevator, since they had all of their luggage with them.

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