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"I'm still not sure about this."

Alyssa James sighed. "Sofia. We are literally about to board our plane. There's no turning back now."

Sofia Martinez bit her lip as she stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Why Spain?"

"Because it'll be a nice break from London. Besides, your dad is from here. He thinks it's good for you to learn more about your heritage."

"Did he tell you that?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Sofia, come on."


"I think this is grounds for kidnapping, you know."

"It's not kidnapping if your parents consent." Alyssa insisted. "Besides, you're over eighteen."

"Exactly. I didn't consent."

"How long is this flight, again?" Sofia asked.

"Just a little over two hours, I think. Relatively quick."

Sofia nodded, pulling out her book from the main opening in her backpack. "I'll talk to you in two hours, then."

"Somebody's being rude today."

Sofia sighed as she flipped to the first page of a new romance novel her younger sister, Isabella, had gotten her for her birthday last week, turning around as much as she could so could in her plane seat so that she was facing the window.

She began reading the first sentence of her book, not realising that she was slowly drifting off.


"Sofia! Sofia!"

Sofia jolted awake, nearly throwing her book up in the air. "Alyssa!"

"We're about to land." Alyssa told her as she took her AirPods out, putting them back in their case."

"Damn. I slept through the entire flight somehow." Sofia laughed as she put her book back in her carry-on backpack, zipping it up. "Wait. I forgot I'm supposed to be mad at you."

"What did I do!" Alyssa exclaimed.

"You dragged me on this two month long trip!"

"It was your parents' idea." her best friend insisted. "Blame them."

"Attention, passengers!" a flight attendant's voice said over the speakers. "We will be landing in Barcelona, Spain shortly. The local time is 10:41 PM, and the weather is sunny but with cold night temperatures, at around 12 degrees Celsius. We ask that all passengers remain seated until we begin unboarding. Thank you for cooperation."

"Gosh, the city looks so beautiful at night." Alyssa commented, glancing out the window. "Right, Sofia?"

"Uh huh." Sofia put her AirPods in as the plane touched down on the runway. "How far away is our hotel, again?"

"About ten minutes. I'll get a taxi once we get our luggage."

It took nearly forty minutes for Sofia and Alyssa to get their suitcases and figure out where to get a taxi.

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