twenty-seven↳ᵕ̈೫˚sex with all four

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Li's POV

I wake up early the next morning, knowing Taehyung wakes up at this time.

I give myself a pep talk as I walk through the halls, wrapping my cardigan around myself tightly as I approach his room.

I hear him moving around inside, and my heart aches. I miss him.

I knock on his door, stepping back while I wait for him to open it. When he does a few moments later, he looks down at me, and I look up at him, both of us simply staring until we don't.

"Do you want to come in?" he asks, taking a step back to make room for me to enter. "I was just—" He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving mine. "getting ready, but I don't leave for another hour."

"I know," I say barely above a whisper. "I was...I was hoping we could talk about the other night."

He nods, taking another step back, and I walk inside, closing the door behind me. Once I'm in his room, I shift from side to side.

"Should we...sit on your bed?" I wonder.

"Yeah, of course." He walks toward it, glancing behind him to watch me follow. He takes a breath as he sits on his bed. "Did you sleep okay?"

I sit beside him, nodding a bit. "Kind of."

We don't say anything for a moment, and it physically pains me to be so close to him but not feel his warmth.

"Taehyung—" I begin just as he says, "Li—"

We pause, both of us waiting before trying again.

"You first," I offer as he offers me the same thing.

"How about this?" He moves closer to me. "Do you want me to go first?"

I nod quickly.

"Then I'll go first." He studies my features, taking me in for the hell of it, then he releases a short breath. "I'm sorry."

I blink. "What?"

"The other night," he elaborates. "I was wrong. You wanted to sleep, and you kept telling me how tired you were, but I kept teasing you."

I hesitate, unsure. "But I should've been kinder to myself."

"Yes," he confirms. "You should have, but I also should've held you until you fell asleep to let you know that even if you don't see yourself as incredible as you are, I do."

My heart aches. "Taehyung."

"I care about you, Li. A lot more than you know, and until you can see yourself as I see you—as we all see you—I'll keep reminding you how incredible you are. We all will."

My features twist. "Why do...I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" He holds his hand out to me, palm up, and I slip my hand into his.

As our fingers interlace, I continue, "I don't understand why you think I'm incredible."

"Because you are," he says firmly. "Everything you do, everything you stand for, who you stand with, your kindness, how you love—Jesus, baby, just you. Everything about you is incredible."

My nose burns with threatening tears. "Taehyung."

"You're everything to me." He caresses the top of my hand with his thumb with soft, reassuring circles. "and it hurts that you don't see yourself like that."

"I'm...I'm trying."

"I know," he murmurs. "Hey, I know, and while you're trying, I'm here for you. I'm here with you, okay?" He kisses the side of my head, leaning back to rest his forehead against mine. "No more telling you to leave my room when you talk that way about yourself. From now on, we'll sleep when you ask to sleep, and I'll hold you when you don't feel like being kind to yourself."

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