5. Bad at Receiving

Start from the beginning

Subham looked at the catalog for a while and felt that almost everything would look good on Mrinal. He pointed the outfit to the lady and she brought over all those sets for him including shoes and other accessories. 

"Let's try them first, see what you like and what you want." Said Subham pointing to the sets while looking at Mrinal.

"Oh, Okay where can I try them?" Asked Mrinal a little hesitant, he didn't know that the store had a trial room he was used to buying clothes one size bigger than him and then sewing them according to his fit.

"You can come with me, I'll show you the way." The shopping guide replied hurriedly.

"Thank you." Mrinal followed her, he was a little embarrassed however he didn't show it on his face. 

After changing into the new clothes, Mrinal was in a dilemma. He feels that Subham didn't have any bad thoughts and even if he had it would be fine since they are going to be husband and wife anyway. 

Mrinal stood in front of Subham wearing a short-sleeved, V-neck light blue T-shirt and white-colored half pants reaching just above his knees. 

Subham thought it suited Mrinal well and had some idea about what he should buy more for Mrinal and ordered most of his clothes in the same style. He also ordered some formal clothes and casual wear.   

Mrinal thought Subham was too modern for buying such revealing clothes for him, he felt a little uneasy and asked Subham "Do you think it's fine for me to wear this?" 

"What's wrong? you don't like it?" 

"No, it's not that, it's just...will your Mom agree?" Mrinal didn't want to be too direct, so he asked it in a roundabout way.

"What can Maa say just wear it if you like it, it suits you well and you look cute in it so just wear this." Subham felt a little weird but didn't say anything more and went on to pay for the clothes.

Subham is completely clueless that his thinking of convenience for the summer has turned him into a modern person, also known as a pervert in Mrinal's mind.

Seeing that Mrinal was about to change into his original clothes Subham spoke "Don't change your clothes, keep wearing them, it looks good on you."

"Oh. Alright." Mrinal wanted to hide, he never wore such clothes outside. 

When Subham felt that Mrinal finally looked like a boy his age rather than a little boy trying to act like a young man, Subham's image in Mrinal mind was firmly established as a modern person (pervert).

"Can you deliver these clothes to my address?" Subham asked while paying.

The cashier was about to refuse him when the manager came over and replied hurriedly "Although our store does not provide such service yet since you bought a lot it will be troublesome for you to carry it around. If you don't mind, we will deliver to this your address in time." 

"Well thank you for your service."  

"Mrinal let's go," Subham called Mrinal but did not see him coming, when he looked back, he saw Mrinal looking at a showcase. He walked up to him and saw that it was a silver bracelet carved with little birds and flowers. 

"Do you like it? Let me get this for you."  Subham asked Mrinal.

"NO! I was just looking at it, you don't have to buy this."  

Subham observed Mrinal's embarrassed expression for a while and felt that he should tell Mrinal to be free with him

"Mrinal did anyone ever tell you that you are bad at receiving gifts? It's alright if you don't accept it from others but you need to learn to accept it from me, you can even demand anything you want from me. Remember we will be a family; others may ignore your needs and demands however I won't. Although this marriage was decided hastily I don't take this lightly. I will be responsible for you in the future, you need to learn quickly how to rely on me. Got it?"


"Now tell me do you like it?"

"Yes, can you buy it for me please?" Mrinal was a little embarrassed to act this way however he feels that what Subham said makes sense.

"Of course. You are a first learner, I like that." Subham smiled a little and pushed Mrinal's hair behind his ears.

Mrinal felt a little unreal at the moment. Ever since he was a child, he had learned how to suppress his desire and need. Compared to his brother and sister he didn't know how to get along with his parents. First, there was that issue then he stayed away from home for so many years that he had no one to rely on and didn't know how to tell people his true thoughts. At this moment he is glad that he can be a family with Subham. Apart from his teacher, no one had ever told him to be willful.   

After buying everything it was almost 1 O'clock so they went over to the restaurant and waited for Sudha to have lunch. 


What about you guys, are you bad at receiving gifts/favors? 

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