Chapter 177 - Stag Do

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"Already told you; I'm not doing it! It'll be so freaking boring!"

"Uh, but it's a tradition Ikarus! I know not every one does it but considering where you were from back on Earth, it makes sense"

"Heh, you really are turning down a night to drink Ikarus? I'm also forced to do something as well"

"As much as me and Nat don't normally do these sorts of things, even we're going tonight Ikarus-sama"

The penultimate day, the day just before the wedding and like usual, stuck in our worshippers' church again. However, there is something else I've forgotten about this whole wedding fiasco that's needs sorting out while conversing with Petra, Ariza and Charlotte. The dreaded stag do...

See, going out for steaks and drinking your body weight in whiskey is a tradition I can normally get behind, the issue is that it's us guys only! It just means I'll have extra hours without seeing Petra before the wedding and that is unacceptable.

By the sounds of it, Ariza has planned out both nights out for me and Petra, hers obviously being the hen do but I can tell this is already going to be shit. Even if the guys around here are pretty boring and most of the fun lot are female, is Ariza really the type of person to hire strippers and make this night unforgettable for bad reasons? Bad comparison but that would a least spice things up a little.

"All the guys around here are either too tame for something like this, or just simply make you want to blow your brains out. It's obvious on who the latter is"

"Heh, you can always come to the hen party if you're finally willing to give up that last bit of guy inside you Ikarus. I'm definitely picking out what you're wearing though"


"Okay, I'm going to the damn guy thing then. Don't really care what you ladies will be getting up to but makes sure Charlotte stays off the hard stuff. We've already seen enough of succubus-sama to know that's a bad idea"

My quick change of heart gets a chuckle all around, I'm surprisingly more open to this now considering my manhood is at stake. Sure, I gave up caring about that pretty much instantly but I must at least keep some of my pride! If that means going to a stupid men only party, then I'll just have to get on with it.

"Heh, are you sure you don't want me to pick out something you can wear Ikarus? All the guys will like you showing up in something frilly"

'She still tries getting me in stupid outfits even now, my enchanted dress or kimono is enough'

"Petra, as if those guys would give two shits to what I'm wearing. Well, except Zeki but that would be karma backfiring. Don't give him ammunition to mock me because it's my job to make his life a living hell!"

While Petra's chuckling at my insistence on mocking female form Zeki, another thought has come to mind about another male turned female.

"Hey, is Penelope coming to my thing or yours? I really can never tell what goes on inside that pea sized brain of hers at times"

I mean, I've always got the vibe she just goes with the flow and doesn't care about anything gender related. I guess we're somewhat similar when it comes to all that but I still at least like some aspects of being a guy than just fully embracing it... despite the fact I'm literally going to be wearing a wedding dress tomorrow. Contradictions are the best.

By the looks of it, no one else seems to have a clue as well.

"Uh... I actually have no idea Ikarus. Charlotte?"

"Penelope-sama said she'd show up but never to which party specifically"

"Heh, don't take that as fact Charlotte. It wouldn't surprise me if she gets distracted and ends up spending the night 'working' at the guild"

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